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  1. A fellow Reconnaissance Marine, Cpl. Todd Love. He is truly an amazing individual. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  2. I thought concealed carry was illegal there? o well.... Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  3. Forget 911, 1911 is a much better option in the face of an immediate threat. 0311 trumps it! +1 my first MOS Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  4. So by reducing the number of guns, through bans, confiscation, or voluntary turn in, you will take away guns from law abiding citizens. Meanwhile even if you do manage to reduce the number of guns in criminals hands they now have even more of an unarmed populace to terrorize and victimize. What is known as a soft target. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  5. I think the simple point is that a higher number of guns doesnt equal more gun crime. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  6. Maybe not what he was saying, but in my opinion you are correct, an armed officer is not the answer. However teachers, janitors, principals ect.. who would like to have a concealed carry permit to protect themselves as well as their students should have that option. As well as students on college campuses, tecnical institutes or whatever as long as they obtain a CCW legally. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  7. Im suprised there is no argument yet.... ha Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  8. +1 Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  9. Forget 911, 1911 is a much better option in the face of an immediate threat. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  10. Reading fast and lack of time to sift through more bullshit. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  11. If you believe the attacks on the embassys have anything to do with a film, and trailer that has been around for a few months, your out of your mind. The riots did not start untill AFTER the attacks. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  12. I personally feel one thing holding back the legalization of pot is the ability to test to see if an individual is currently under the influence, like with alcohol. When a test like this becomes available to be used for instance to determine if someone is driving under the influence, i believe the people trying to get it legalized will have more weight. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  13. Dude, I agree with you, and as I stated I am pro choice. However your still missing the point that everyone of those scenarios results in the loss of a life. Where as say trap shooting, does not. Its a bad comparison. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  14. Legal gun ownership serves many purposes, where as abortion serves only one. (im pro choice by the way, just stating a fact and showing your weak argument.) Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.
  15. Interesting. Cause Ron didn't say American Negroe kid. He said black kid. A Korean proclaiming all the Chinese are dumb is clearly not racist. A Korean proclaiming all white people are dumb is racist. One more time... what is wrong with refering to some one by the color of their skin? "african americans" which i think is a bullshit term as well, refer to me as white all the time. Its a country to concerned with being politically correct and offending a minority, when the minority is already commiting the SAME offences. Jack of all trades. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster. USA Static-line Jumpmaster.