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  1. 2 points
    Well, here you go. Sealand posted this in August on their FB page: Sealand Aviation August 24 at 4:07 PM · Great news for our American skydiving friends! Sealand Aviation Ltd. has been granted US STC SA04835NY for the installation of a Skydive step, Skydive door, and seat removal for all Cessna 182 thru 182P model aircraft. This US STC pairs with our Canadian STC SA11-68. Now there is no place in North America that you cannot jump out of a Sealand Aviation 182 Skydive Plane. Two different steps are available for the two different landing gear styles. The seatbelts are replaced with a single tag-line harness for each jumper so there is less clutter to get tangled up in. If you already have a door, just install the step. If you don’t need a step, just install the door. If you need to fly passengers, reinstall the seats and you are good to go. The approval allows you to choose how much or how little you install. Jumping out of a 182 has never been easier or looked so good! Email parts@sealandaviation for price and availability. #aviation #skydive
  2. 1 point
    NINE YEARS!!!!! Flirting with each other here was the start, then the flirting at boogies and drop zones. She had my heart the second our eyes met. I love you baby, let's continue our adventure filled journey through life together. now to get her back here to see this.... *Chuck Blue was right. Thanks brother!
  3. 1 point
    I think Joe was focusing more on a system that allows individuals to have so much power extra-legally. Not illegally, just extra-legally. I don't have an idea of how to fix it either, especially in the current global climate. But while John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and their likes molded America in the late 19th century and into the 20th, and Henry Ford tried somewhat in the 20th, that era is not seen as a halcyon era of development. Because they drove the country as they saw fit. And populism rose in America in the late 19th century, just as it did in the Depression, and is rising again now. Maybe that really obvious inequality, which Musk and Bezos particularly just love flaunting, isn't just the reward for hard work. Wendy P.
  4. 1 point
    I have had random off-heading here and there on EVO once in a while, mostly attributed to packing and in line with any other opening, but have never experienced anything like that photo shows. In general my impressions from EVO openings is exactly as somebody above mentioned - they are actually not 'slow', I would call them fairly quick - as in not loosing too much altitude but absolutely not 'hard'. Out of all canopies I have jumped before, EVO had the most consistent and drama-free openings, including the original Odyssey. In fact I have a habit of rolling both my nose cells and tail when packing and, subjectively, feel like some of my off-headings are due to that as well. A buddy of mine jumped a similar EVO in Russia and never bothered with this kind of stuff, from what I saw his openings are smoother than mine. Below is a link to a short video that shows a few openings. Although most are sub-terminal, one or two are terminal, and from my experience the only difference I noticed between the two is the speed of the opening sequence, while the overall opening staging is the same regardless. I am not questioning your experience by any means, just sharing mine. One thing to note here is EVO likes heavier WL. I was jumping it at around 1.8 and it is the lowest you should put on it, ideally it loves 2.0+ and you should really get all it's juices and performance at 2.5. Not sure what kind of WL is coming from those reports you are mentioning, but it possibly could be due to underloaded canopy. Now, why I am mentioning all that is that because I did in fact experienced exactly the console openings you are mentioning on the original Odyssey loaded at around 1.6. Although again, over a 100 jumps I made on it, I probably had 2 or 3 total but I know what you are talking about. One of them was a very hard opening with end cells inflated fast and center cells refusing to inflate at all. Thought about chopping for a second until I popped the toggles and center cells finally inflated. I wasn't the one who packed it for that jump, so attributed it to a sloppy pack job.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    A littl clarity here - do you want Musk to stop helping Ukraine or do you want the DoD to nationalise Starlink?
  7. 1 point
    He's not a government western or not and that is the sole issue. Citizens should not be using incredible wealth to project power into a war without expecting that they themselves become a target.
  8. 1 point
    The discussions that ADL was having with twitter started long before Elon decided to waste part of his fortune on buying it. The ADL's goals here aren't the opposition of free speech, they are against the amplification of hate speech that calls for violence. Sensible people understand that you can't scream fire in crowded movie theater, and that it would be unreasonable for the movie theater management to give a megaphone to the person who was actively doing that. If Elon doesn't want advertisers to run for their lives he should probably stop making X look like the digital version of a Mad Max dystopian hell scape.
  9. 1 point
    As weird and creepy and megalomaniacal and reactionary and generally unaware of other people’s humanity as he is, he might be getting an unfair rap on this one. Yes, refusing to open Starlink access around Crimea because of ‘escalation’ sucks. But he’s not doing anything different to western governments on that front. Almost all of them, and the US in particular, have slow rolled supply of long range weapons, and placed restrictions on how and where they can be used. The US is still withholding ATACAMS in part (probably) because they don’t to be involved in a bombardment of major Russian bases in Crimea. They absolutely refuse to let Ukraine deploy US supplied weapons against legitimate military targets inside Russia itself. So Musk is an easy target here because of his total dickishness and previous ‘peace plan’ nonsense, but he shouldn’t be a scapegoat for general NATO over-cautiousness.
  10. 1 point
    Nixon didn't have the propaganda arm of the GOP working for him, i.e. Fox News.
  11. 1 point
    I've been proudly PLF'ing since starting back up in 2001 whenever the conditions aren't absolutely perfect -- for exactly that reason, depth perception. S'OK; I still walk away from all my landings. Back in the 80's I could land my canopies tiptoe, and that just wasn't possible once I got new gear in 2002. Wendy P.
  12. 1 point
    Indeed. Sealand have an FAA DAR that used the CAA STC to create an FAA 8110-3. Problem solved.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    I've heard the ADL forced Musk to buy Twitter for huge multiple of what it was really worth, by threatening to turn the Jewish Space Lasers on the Tesla factories.
  15. 1 point
    I just watched the PBS documentary I posted in post 111. A couple things I learned: 1. The jury (all white of course) acquitted based on the defense's argument that they could not prove the body found was Emmett Till. Thanks of course to the face being beaten beyond recognition. 2. 4 months after the trial, the two murderers sold their story to "Look" magazine for $4000. Thanks to double jeopardy rules, they could tell what they did without fear of prosecution. Their story did not impicate anyone else, although there is suspicion other people may have been involved.
  16. 1 point
    Actually there is no cost for FAA paperwork to do the actual jumps. The procedure for a specific jump approval is just tedious and time consuming but, other than the time invested, there is no cost. There was a large, one-time, cost for the approval for flight with door removed, flight testing, and the interior configuration. The term for the airspace involved is actually RVSM, which is Reduced Vertical Separation Minimums, which requires very special digital altimeters, special auto-pilot, and other equipment for flights above 28,000'. As the aircraft is used for nothing but these jumps, and would not be practical for normal jump operations, the cost of operation must be absorbed by a limited number of customers who can afford such jumps. There are many things that are not available to the average person, or skydiver, due to cost and that is why everyone does not own a Ferrari, go to the ISS, and live in mansions. But, there are some that can and do. A private citizen went to the ISS, cost him 28.5 million. An 18 year old went up in Bezos rocket for the 15 minute flight, cost 2.8 million. Virgin Galactic ride to the edge of space sold out 800 slots for $250,000 each, now the ride costs $450,000. Very special things take very special money. Michael Mullins
  17. 1 point
    We have recorded data on oxygen saturation on actual jumps from 41,000' and 15,000', both in the aircraft and in freefall. The jumpers from 41K have a higher oxygen saturation with their supplemental oxygen than the jumpers from 15K without supplemental oxygen. To my knowledge, we are the only ones to record such data. Actual data and experience trumps theory and speculation. We will continue to record such data. Our systems, both onboard and freefall, provide much more oxygen than is required by the generally accepted formula of 1 LPM per 10,000', and we check all the systems with a flowmeter prior to each jump. Mike Mullins West Tennessee Skydiving
  18. 1 point
    The pilot was not impaired, the pilot was monitored constantly by a pulse oximeter, and the same pilot has flown test and actual jump flights to 41,000' on many occasions while having to operate the aircraft within a 5 mile radius and maintain exact altitudes in this RVSM environment. This pilot has likely more time at 41,000' unpressurized than anyone on the planet, could be wrong. Also, oxygen saturation at 41K on 100%, pressure breathing oxygen is actually higher that oxygen saturation on a normal jump from 15,000', which we have documented.
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