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Learn your tricks in AFF then master them all over again with a canopy of your very own. Experience hassle-free wingsuit openings, or an easy comfortable ride for the jumper who values safety over all else. New or old, the Omega 7-cell is the broad-spectrum wing for you.

With smooth delicious openings and predictable flight responses the Omega provides the perfect blend to do it all, from everyday flying to demos and even a bit of fun CRW. The ease of use and low baggage factor create a wing ready for whatever comes your way.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Very soft openings, very forgiving packing
Too long snivelling may scare you

I have tried Pilot (210 - 170 sizes), Spectre 150, Hornet 190 and Firebird Cayenne 150 before I got my Omega 149. Started jumping it at 140 jumps with WL of 1.23. All I can say that it's just perfect: flies fun, not dangerously aggressive but never slugish in turns, glides well, surfs real far and when you get used to flaring it landings become very gentle.

No matter how neatly I pack it, it deploys very soft and gently and on-heading. Even seems to ignore uneven body position during deployment sometimes. Sniveling takes a while. A really long while if you pack for a long snivel. I once had 7 seconds of snivel (confirmed with video). And it ends up in a very slow and gentle opening. I always thought that Pilots have the best openings in the market but now I know that Omega has even better.

Comparing with what I've flown I would say that it's faster than a Pilot or a Hornet, very similar speed and responsiveness to Spectre. However, it's not as ground-hungry as a Spectre.

All in all, this canopy is a skydivers friend - very loyal and understanding.

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  • 4
Very Soft Openings,As Responsive As Can Be
Almost Too Soft Of Openings

I have demo jumped a used icarus omega 209 (200+ jumps).The first time I jumped this canopy I almost cut it away.I have been jumping pd-210's to 288's. I am just shy of my c license. first time I tested this canopy I snivelled it a lot like I would the pd.Threw pilot at at 4000 to be safe. Man that is the softest opening i have ever experienced!! A little too soft. I finally had a full canopy at about 1900 feet. Flies great and very responsive at 1.2 ratio. It almost wants to swoop on its own. Great canopy but do not snivel!!! There is no need. With a normal pro pack opens in about 900-1400 feet. Good penetration in high wind days (15+). This is a good canopy for learning to swoop. Greater stopping power at higher speeds.

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  • 5
Long Snivels, quick turns, sweet, easy landings
Snivels too long sometimes

This is my first canopy, so I have little to compare it to except my student canopies, but the openings are nice, long and sweet, I got this canopy just after learning to pack and went through the trouble of rolling and stuffing the nose, and pulling the slider way out, so my first jump on it gave me over 1500' of snivel. Now I psycho pack it, don't roll and leave the nose exposed and it still gives me a sweet 800' snivel and soft openings every time! flares are nice and long, I'm loading it at 1.3

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  • 4
Huge long snivels. Every time.

I've put a couple hundred jumps on my Omega, and was warned when I bought it NOT to psycho pack it. It has consistent 1000 ft snivels. The forward speed is good and landings are soft.

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 4

I jumped 3-jump Scott's Omega about 70 times before he started squirming. Found learning to swoop good was easy on this canopy. Very forgiving for exit weight of 210 under a 170. After demoing a Spectre 150, found the Omega to be quicker and swoop a bit beter even under a lighter load. Not as responsive as the Spectre, though, when flaring. The Spectre has better stopping power. Now on to my Vengeance!

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  • 5

I'm loading my Omega @ 1.2lb/ft^2 . It's very fun to fly. Turns are very rapid , quicker than on Triathlon at an equal wing loading, but that is no wonder, because Omega is slightly elliptical, just like Spectre. Opens faster than Spectre, but still very soft.
Great landings ! It wants to swoop even without low turns ! Omega surfs for quite a long distance , and then will put to down on the ground very soft !

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Excellent canopy - a little slower to open than my old Triathlon, but very nice consistently soft openings - especially when you psycho-pack. Plenty of control range and with a little bit of loading is a great deal of fun to fly. The only downside is that new ZP is a royal pain to pack.

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Only three jumps on my Omega 170, so far so good. PERFECT openings. I should have had one a long time ago.

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