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The PRIMA is a semi-elliptical canopy with cells that decrease in thickness from the centre towards the stabilizers. It is Easy to pack (thanks to the PF 2500 fabric, also known as “Blue”), has comfortable openings and is easy to fly. The PRIMA is the first semi-elliptical built with conventional low-porosity fabric and is based on our ten years’ experience with computer aided design of parachutes and paragliders.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 4
Great handling

This canopy is very steerable, more than a regular student canopy.

My WL was 0.85 but was very comfortable by opening & handling.

Opening is comfortable & takes less than 500 feet (I'm ProPacking & never roll or twist anything)
Using rear risers really needs MEGA Power.
Break lines are long enough to not to allow you to stall the canopy unless you twist the toggles.
Flaring is reasonable.

Packing is very difficult (at least for me)cause the DZ told me the top side of this canopy has made by ZP fabric(but the manufacturer mentioned only Low-porosity fabric on the Bottom side)!

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