Tracking Suit

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Phoenix-Fly proudly introduces the new Tracking Suit, the result of 9 years of continuous research and development.

Since their launch in 2004, the original PF Track pants & jacket have become essential equipment for BASE jumpers and skydivers serious about tracking. 2007 sees the launch of the improved Tracking suit.

The Tracking suit improves your flying performance but is also practical for hiking and offers light weather protection.

The Phoenix-Fly Tracking suit allows the jumper to track faster, flatter and to fly further than ever before. The ram air inlets in the pants and jacket allow the suit to inflate, increasing the surface area and enhancing the aerodynamic shape of the jumper. In turn this produces more lift and helps reduce drag. The Tracking suit increases the distance you can track and also the time you spend in freefall. In the BASE environment this also increases the distance that you open away from the object helping to reduce the risk of an object strike.


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  • 5
Great Performance, Arms & Legs Free To Move
Purchase Price

Bought the suit used, have only jumped it 4 or 5 times so far, but finally got a really solid flight out of it.

When I landed, guys on the ground said they could me screaming across the sky.

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