The Space Suit

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The Space suit is our latest freefly suit. Designed around the A.D. challenge in Olav Zipser's space games. Where a standard freefly suit tends to make one float during a transition, a smaller lighter suit does not. Its a very nice suit to fly as there is less drag and flapping. If you need lift because you are possibly a bit heavier, this suit might not have enough drag for you, unless of course your partner of equal height and weight is also
wearing one. The suit comes with stripes as an option. The fit is a little more snug than our freefly and tie-fly suits. Standard fabric for the SPACE SUIT is 4 ply. A fabric heavier than suplex, but ligther than poly cotton.


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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
fit just Perfect, look good, fly buterfuly.

After talking to Tony about my Falling Rock Syndrome( falling to fast and not be able to keep up with the others) he custom made a suit for me. Miracle. On the first jump, I was able to stay with my friend. He put a second layer of fabric inside to avoid to adding to much fabric outside and looking like a clown. The efficiency of the drag was so great. I had the chance as well to meet him, he know is design and if you have problem or need something special, Sky is the limit. I also have 3 other suit from him and all of them are a perfect neat looking flying suit.
Buy without worries

Blue sky
Jump high
Nomad Skydivers

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Fits great, flys great, looks great.
It wasnt free

This suit is the best suit I've ever jumped. with the c-wing I have so much control. I've jump with 95 mph tandems and have no problem with regular tandems either. I love it I give it two thumbs up

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0 of 0 members found this review helpful 0 / 0 members
  • 5
Awesome suit to fly in and it looks great too!
long wait if its not a rush

I've had several different freefly suits and the Tony Suit Space Suit is the best fitting, most comforatble Suit I've flown.

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