Advance OUT

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Advance OUT system has been cretated in 1997 and have been introduced in the market in August 1998. Since its birth a lot of details have changed but the main structure and ideas are still the same.

The most important feature of the Advance OUT, is its no reserve side flaps concept, what you see is the reserve bag. This concept allow you to have your reserve bag out of the container faster than any other brands. When time count it is a hit and you can count on it.

Advance OUT is a state of the art, perfectly manufactured under a PART 21/G production certification. The Advance OUT is TSO-C23d and E-TSO-C23d approved.

It is delivered standard with:

stainles steel hardware, new terminal ends concept, ring harness, unique soft back pad, lateral cut webbing, kill line or bungie pilot chute, secured throw out handle, z-knife, leg strap junction and all bags, pilot chutes and handles as well. All these fetures are including in our price, no bad surprises.

Available in 10 container sizes including student and Tandem versions

Full custom harness (7 measurements)

Parapack - Cordura 500 - Cordura 1000 are your choice

Over 5500 possibilities choice (colors, sizes, materials)


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