
Apache X

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Im also not out to get anyone. But if s
you post data with certain (incorrect)observations and comments, dont bash people that take that kind of data more serious in terms of analysis.

This dicipline is full of records, amazing performance claims and more. Its refreshing and aplaudable that Jeb also provides the data to back it up. Be it needing a bit of work to correctly interpret that same data.

But dont bash people that dont agree with every company/self promotional post made if the data shows something else...
I'm an Athlete?

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I'm not having a pop at Jeb. I'm having a pop about misleading performance posts. I have nothing against him or any of the stuff he has done. More luck to him.

Yes I referred to various different sources as there have been a few recently all on the same theme. He has the right tools. Is it unreasonable to expect from someone planning a mutli-million dollar project to land a wing-suit to be able to accurately read such data.

James, thanks for the kind words. It's ironic that not so long ago it was you that used to call out the outrageous performance claims and call for GPS data to support it and are now on the other side of the fence. There is a difference, I'm not on the payroll, I'm not sponsored, I pay for my own suits. While I am an agent for the burgeoning population of jumpers here, there is little or no financial gain for me to be had in this. I jump for myself and post few videos or claims.


But if I see you in person feel free to come up to me and lets do a jump together :)

Thanks Jeb, likewise.

Enjoy your jumps.

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Actually, that's not right. "Apache" was the name of a mid sized suit that Tony sold in 2006. It pre-dated the Mach (if my memory serves) was pretty much replaced by the Raptor. "Apache X" is the new suit, but since most people never saw or heard of the original Apache, people use the name interchangeably.

I don't think there were many made.

One of the packers at my home DZ has an Apache (the original one). I'll see if I can get a picture of it at some point.
Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography

Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork

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Actually, that's not right. "Apache" was the name of a mid sized suit that Tony sold in 2006. It pre-dated the Mach (if my memory serves) was pretty much replaced by the Raptor. "Apache X" is the new suit, but since most people never saw or heard of the original Apache, people use the name interchangeably.

One of the packers at my home DZ has an Apache (the original one). I'll see if I can get a picture of it at some point.

If memory serves correctly, I believe Jeff called this suit an Apache.

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That's the one, Matt.

Probably confusing to some to have two suits named similarly, but I guess he liked the name. But given the attention span of skydivers is slightly less than that of the common goldfish, I could see why it wouldn't...

Ooooh! Something shiny!
Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography

Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork

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That is a raptor. The Apache had a longer gripper and straighter trailing edge.

Whatever he called it at the time, I am positive it was not one of the "standard" suit names. He specifically told me it was a prototype made per request of a BASE jumper, and he was either thinking of calling or it had called it something (which I think was Apache, but am not sure). I agree it does look an awful lot like a Raptor though.

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Really? How so?

I was perhaps the bluntest in calling out the mis-leading performance claims, but didn't rag on Jeb personally. In fact I specifically said so and wished him well a couple of times. I'm sure he has thick enough skin to cop the flak for the misleading claims without taking it personally.

As for anyone being a Base jumper, what does that have to do with anything? Even though the suit is supposed to be for "experienced base jumpers only" the post was made here on DZ.com. What's your point?

I take it you did notice that the newspaper article says speed of 85MPH and quotes Jeb as saying "almost 90MPH", quite a difference to what he was suggesting here.

There is no excuse for the multiple misleading statements on performance from anyone, let alone someone of Jeb's experience, skill, knowledge and super-star status in the community.

Your own video shows speeds of 75mph - 80mph, do you really think Jeb is 50% faster than you? Your glide ratio is somewhere in the 2.5:1 - 2.7:1 when not getting lift from the wall, do you think 3.5 is sustainable without thermals?

That is all.

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Fair enough, I'm always just bummed when I see good flying and people get too caught up in the numbers, but I suppose that is the point when people also post the numbers:o.

The base jumping question was just that, a question, nothing to do with coolness, ability, or anything like that, i was just wondering where Jarnos frame of reference was from. I love you all. Perhaps jeb can get way more speed and glide out of that suit as mine is a demo, and I am at best a margilnal wing suit pilot. I love you all regardless of the number of parachutes on your back :)

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Source: http://uragallo.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/worlds-fastest-base-race-time-set-today/

Fact 1: Tony's blog wrote on 14.07.2011, Tony is the fastest in his Apache with 18,37 seconds.
Fact 2: Frode is official winner of base race 2011 with 29,37 seconds.

My question is: could anybody please explain me the difference of 29,37 - 18,37 = 11 seconds?

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Source: http://uragallo.wordpress.com/2011/07/14/worlds-fastest-base-race-time-set-today/

Fact 1: Tony's blog wrote on 14.07.2011, Tony is the fastest in his Apache with 18,37 seconds.
Fact 2: Frode is official winner of base race 2011 with 29,37 seconds.

My question is: could anybody please explain me the difference of 29,37 - 18,37 = 11 seconds?

first congrats to Tony for the time. His Apache is apparently very fast :)
difference between Tony's time and Frode's time...
Different events in different places.. Different distances to fly = very different times :)
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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