
Triathlon for Wingsuiting

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Hey everyone,

I did some searching in the forums, but I'm not finding anything specifically for my question.

I'm wondering if anyone would "recommend" jumping a Triathlon while wingsuiting. I've jumped a Spectre 120, and a Sabre 2 135, but I'm looking at a Triathlon as I no longer have the Spectre or Sabre.

I'm really only concerned with hard openings...My main goal when buying and jumping canopies is to ensure I always get the one known for soft openings. I know the Triathlon is far from being one of the "softest" opening canopies, but it's the only one I can find so far that will fit my container for a decent price.

Just looking for people's opinions on the Triathlon for wingsuiting.

"When once you have tasted flight..."

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A friend of mine who wingsuits with me all the time here used to jump an old ragged out tri. He had to have 10-15mph winds to land the thing softly (not saying a tri is a bad canopy, just that his had over 2000 jumps on it). Once he got a Pilot and flew it he was happier than a pig in shit.

I used to jump a Nitron with my wingsuit, but after "getting out of line twists" became part of my routine, I got the Pilot.

I'm just saying, that if you get a Pilot you wont be dissapointed... in my limited experience anyway.
Muff #5048

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If I could find a Pilot or Sabre2 or a Spectre for less than $1000 and 111sq ft or smaller, I would jump all over it. I've found a couple Spectres for less than 1000, but they either need linesets, or have thousands of jumps and people still want $900 for them.

Ideally, I'd love to get a Spectre 107
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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Works for me. After a tri 170 I am now jumping a 150.
Opening is great with once in a while a 90 degree of heading and very very rarely a couple of twists. While I am untwisting the canopy just keeps flying straight.
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Hahah. Well, if I get bored and want to spice things up, I'll throw my Katana 97 in for a wingsuit jump or two.

IN all seriousness, I am thinking that the Triathlon will do exactly what I want of it. A safe ride to the ground, preceded by a soft'ish, non spinny, line twisty opening (even though it is a 99).
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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Hahah. Well, if I get bored and want to spice things up, I'll throw my Katana 97 in for a wingsuit jump or two.

IN all seriousness, I am thinking that the Triathlon will do exactly what I want of it. A safe ride to the ground, preceded by a soft'ish, non spinny, line twisty opening (even though it is a 99).

I got a Triathlon 160, thats a bit boring for me.
I jump with a Cobalt because I love to fly it.B|

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Couple hundred jumps on a [email protected]. Works for me.

Don't know what wingload you would have on the 99, but I think if you find that boring, there is no hope of anything not boring while still wearing the wingsuit.

Curious why you would want unboring after a wingsuit jump though. One jump per jump not enough? Wingsuit jumps tire me out sometimes - boring can be considered a plus sometimes. :)

I am. I think.

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Hey Johan,

I'll be loading the 99 at about 1.45;. I'm not the one who indicated it was boring though..I'm just looking for a safe ride down. I've got my Katana 97 when I want to have some fun, and maybe 2 rides per jump....haha

Thanks for your post, I was hoping to see some people jumping smaller Tri's at a higher W/L.
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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