
Wingsuit cloudsurfing

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In light of the discussion in the "Cloud Carving" thread, I felt like making a compilation of some cloudsurfs that I have done over the past few weeks that I'd like to share with the rest of you. The dropzones jumped at are Skydive Hoevenen, Skydive Zwartberg/Blackmountain and Skydive Sevilla. Wingsuits used were a Phantom2z and a Stealth1 from Phoenix-Fly. Enjoy, hope you like it. :)
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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Nice video.
I hope to jump wingsuits around clouds one day. Seems like it'd be very cool to fly laps around a tall cumulonimbus. Exit around 15,000 and just fly the circumfrence with a bunch of friends. Maybe make a race out of it. Certainly a safer alternative to proximity base!

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