
Wingsuit Boogies in Europe 2010?

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Also keep an eye on that skyvan (dont remember the callsign) but its stationed in NL/BE, and talking to the pilot, it seemed like some ferry flights might be possible (when its booked for UK boogies, and flying there from this side of the water)
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Hi All,
as previous years I like to organize the third edition of the EmpuriaFlock here in the beautiful Costa Brava, at around the same dates than before: end of April, beginning of May. I waiting to hear back from the load organizers...
More news to come...

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September 5th-11th at Prostejov, Czech Republic:

The PROSTEJOV BIGWAY PROJECT will have Wingsuit and FS Bigway camps going on side by side for learning and fun. This will be a camp geared to intermediate and advanced wingsuit flyers.

Organizers are Mark Harris and me (Taya) on the wingsuit side. Joining us are awesome and very experienced plane captains and coaches: Rolf Brombach, Jari Kuosma, Duncan Wright, and Phil Peggs. We are working closely with World Team FS organizers Kate Cooper-Jensen, Lesley Gale, and Herman Landsman to take advantage of the big-way knowledge they have that crosses over into our discipline. Seminars and knowledge sharing will go on all week as we jump.

Each plane will have a dedicated videographer, plane captain, AND coach - plenty of individual attention to each person's skills.

One helicopter Mi-8 and minimum 2 Turbolets L-410

The Prostejov dropzone website is still a little bit in progress, but here is the link with available info, and registration will all be online:

Prostejov Bigway Project

The website will be updated in the coming few weeks, so if there's anything missing now hopefully it will be filled in soon!

Thanks, -T
It's the Year of the Dragon.

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MidNight Flock

Parachute Club of Utti, Finland

Fly with the midnight sun in DZ Utti Finland. Demosuits, first flight courses, big ways, technical multipoint dives and fun flying & party time.

* Aircraft C-208 Caravan
* Altitude 4000 m
* Jump price 25eur (4km)
* Boogie price 30eur
* Flock organizing by Bird-Man TopGun team members

Last year The Midnight Flock was arranged for the second time, and it was an amazing feeling to jump out of the plane a few moments before midnight. The clock was ticking during the flight and by the time we deployed our parachutes the day had changed and we could enjoy the Finnish midnight sun.

During the last two events we were able to get multible new skyflyers, and we hope that next time we will be able to get even more new skyflyers.

Official registration -> www.utti.org/midnightflock

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