
GPS software for Wing Suit flyers

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Flying a GPS on a Wing Suit is now kind of main stream, but dealing efficiently with the recorded track data can be tricky.

I though it would be good for us to have a program that could run independently on a laptop (under Windows or Mac Os X) and that would deal with GPX data, with the following features:
-import gpx tracks of any format
-calculate the horizontal and vertical speed
-calculate glide ratio, bearing, etc...
-export to Microsoft Excel
-export to .srt to overlay the flight information on a video
-everything accessible through a graphical interface

Costyn had already written most of the functions in Perl. I added the user interface and cross-compiled to
Windows (XP or Vista), Mac OS X universal Binary, and Linux. The source code is also available for the geeks.

The program can be downloaded here on Source Forge .

Costyn posted a related link here .

Some additional resources, including the source and examples are here . (BTW I do live in America)

I hope to see some of those in future videos.

Talk is cheap.

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Well, the 2 softwares do different things:

-Time Machine X allows you to connect to your GPS (which gps2srt does not do), edit your data, and eventually save it in a complete choice of different formats, including GPX.

-GPX2SRT start from a GPX file (coming from Time Machine X or other), calculate WS relevant information, and save to the video subtitle (SRT) format, to be used subsequently with the video of the jump. The .csv output for MS Excel is a sub-products of GPS2SRT. It also contains the velocity and glide ratio information which original data or the GPX format do not have.

The idea behind gpx2srt is not to do what commercial software already do better (ie download from your GPS), but provide a specific tool for Wingsuiters jumping with a video and wanting to overlay their GPS flight information on the video.

I agree this is a very specific niche, but I am not aware of any other software doing it, and I hope people find it useful.

Talk is cheap.

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Ive done the same thing to convert the csv exported data from my Protrack to .srt in PHP (unfortunately i dont have a webserver to host it).

Im just waiting for my recently ordered Qstarz BT-Q1300 to arrive and ill be trying your software.

Thanks for sharing!

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Actually i have an Apache+PHP webserver on my local computer.

I was thinking about online conversion... I'll try to find a free php web hosting.

Pretty cool. If you want I can host it for you on flylikebrick.com?
Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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I have a WTB-201 but have a Mac. what's a good software similar to TimeMachineX that can do the same? I can't find a mac version of that software yet and would love to use GPX2SRT in conjunction with other applications.


I've tried Paralog Desktop for Mac but it requires a version of Java that only Mac OSX 5 (Leopard) has.


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I have a WTB-201 but have a Mac. what's a good software similar to TimeMachineX that can do the same? I can't find a mac version of that software yet and would love to use GPX2SRT in conjunction with other applications.

Houdah GPS is a nice graphical tool you can download tracks & waypoints with; support nearly every type of GPS.

***I've tried Paralog Desktop for Mac but it requires a version of Java that only Mac OSX 5 (Leopard) has.

Hmm they don't do the java updates for 10.4 any more? Strange...
Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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