
Exiting Cessna 182

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Welcome to flock. How about using the search "wingsuit 182 exit" and finding for example the following thread:


It may not tell what is the best way, but shows many ways to do it :)


with the same question answered :)


"Fear is the path to the Dark side"
(Master Yoda)

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Hey crew, I am new to wingsuiting and would like to know what is the best way to exit a 182.


Many ways...best way>

Spend a few minutes crawling around the plane when its on the ground, practice and see what works best for you..

Just always mind the tail...
I'm an Athlete?

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I prefer to dive out. Works great. 1st WS jump was that way...and most in the 182 I primarily jump. We just follow each other out.

There's a video on youtube somewhere that shows the proper sit, grab strut, twist out for step exits.

But yeah...diveoreeno. Flat spins don't last forever.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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For an elegant exit, if you're either the only wingsuit or exiting last, you can just try duck-walking in a hunched crouch the 2 steps to the edge and hopping out sideways facing forward with everything tightly bunched up and closed down. I think of it as a miniature somewhat cramped version of the standard Otter exit, plus of course, mind the tail. Its neat and no worries about spins-just make sure you stay closed down with your elbows pressed to your sides and your knees tightly together for at -least- one full second after exit so you don't risk flirting with that tail and you're flying immediately when you're about 30 feet clear of the plane. Works for me.
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