
Close to tail. Watch out.

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staying flat (to maintain forward speed) hands and wings in front of me (when I put them behind me, I can't push off with my hands)

The tucking of your hands in front or behind you is an action you do after pushing of.
The same exit can be done both ways. Only a lot of additional control when tucking them to the side or behind.

And no accidental opening up possible when tucked behind.
That aside, being either arched and smooth like a banana at a kamasutra seminar, or completely flat is a big key. The flat position keeps the airspeed, which makes flying on level with the plane, even after opening up 2 seconds late, possible. Being headlow, you can even use the airstream to push you down. Straight into a controlled dive (where most people also tuck their hands behind them).

There isnt a distinct right or wrong. Both methods work. And whatever works, is safest for that flyer. The only point Im trying to make is that, when practiced, the second method (no mummy style hands crossed in front) offers a lot of additional control...
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Sigh... Yet another time that clueless f10ckers, like blind kitten, meow in despair until Father Yuri comes to point them in the right direction. Oh well, this is my cross I have to bear because I love f10cking so much! :)

The safest way of exiting is something f10ckers have absolutely no clue about because they love drag and insta-inflatable mattresses so much and big messes on exit, too. The safest way is to eliminate any vertical force opposing gravity completely, while reducing the force that pushes you towards the tail as much as possible.

In the first moments after the exit when your airspeed is horizontal, lift is straight up (if your roll angle is zero, that is, your arms stretch from horizon to horizon) and drag is horizontal towards the tail. But if your roll is 90 degrees (that is, your arms stretch from earth to zenith), lift will be vectored horizontally, away from the plane, and if you also minimize drag by assuming the body position and angle of attack of max L/D, then you'll be quickly and safely peeled away from the plane, easily a full half-wingspan by the time you cross the stabilizer line.

When vertical component of lift is eliminated in such a way, you fall down at acceleration of gravity, like a rock - there's no way to hit the stabilizer, try throwing rocks out of an airplane and see for yourself. ;) And because you're diving forward, like a missile peeling off her mothership, the height of your body does not play any role - you'll miss stabilizer by a giant margin.

In reality, there's no need to roll full 90 degrees - that's too aggressive, about 45 degrees works beautifully. I do this on nearly 100% of my jumps (except for gainers) - aggressive peel off and then straight into maxed out flight (usually, racing the plane that flies parallel to me, since I usually exit last - ladies f10ckers first ;))

Besides, such an exit gives better precision and control - a world of difference from the messy poop-bombing we see now in f10cking.

Who knows, maybe some beautiful day clueless f10ckers will listen to Father Yuri's advice and be safe?

Until then, you can always ask Mikal to put you on the Bounce Bingo List. :D


P.S. Of course, this technique does not apply to such death machines as King Air and others with tight doors, close wings and low stabilizers. In this case, turn into a ball.

Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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