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I was watching a video clip show the other night( country fried home videos) I showed a clip I haven't seen in years. of patrick exiting a porter and flying for quite a few seconds in his wingsuit while the porter dove and he flew back into the open door. no drogue to slow the decent of the aircraft. no flying up to a strut and muscleing your way back in. imho this man truly had balls of steel. if he misgudged that one the prop was waiting to slice and dice. afaik no one else has done it since. does anyone know of anyone else who has done it?
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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really you have seen video of a freeflyer flying his body back into the open door a an aircraft in flight? anyone got a link I like to see that.
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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- Good stuff had the first (non-wingsuit) plane 2 plane jump that Greg Gasson did (into a micro-lite, with a drogue). I think this segment is in Good Stuff (Joe Jennigs awesome video and DVD)

- It was repeated twice with a crew of 3 later-on. Greg, Omar and another guy who's name I cant remember. This is an extra feature/video on the DVD of Good Stuff. Snippets of all these plane to plane jumps can be seen in this youtube video

that same DVD has some awesome long-lens shots of Patrick flying his wingsuit...looks amazing..the style and grace in his flying are rarely seen in todays flyers

- Greg did the plane2plane jump another (3d or 4th) time for the Discovery Channel

There are also quite a few videos online and offline on freeflyers tracking/diving (and even docking) on Pilatus Porters in flight.

- I seem to recall Jeff Corlis did some attempts at this stunt in preperation/training for his 'landing' (lets not go into that subject here..I know some people get a cramped up anus from just hearing his name).
At rougjly 1:40 into this video you see some snippets on that stunt.

Patricks flight back into the plane is the only drogueless (succesfull) attempt, where the airplane is actually flying (instead of the plane joining the skydivers in freefall).
I'm an Athlete?

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I thought Patrick and Loic have both done this (fly back into a plane with a wingsuit). I believe I have seen video of both (respectively) but can't remember where I found that footage. Since everyone remembers the Patrick clip, I know that happened but maybe I'm misremembering the same thing by Loic.
Brian Drake

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So you all agree PdG is the only one to ever do this...:P


exiting a porter and flying for quite a few seconds in his wingsuit while the porter dove and he flew back into the open door. no drogue to slow the decent of the aircraft. no flying up to a strut and muscleing your way back in.

Is it online somewhere?

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