
Flock U Casa Boogie Aug 21-24

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......32 Birds so far

So we are now looking at running two aircraft formations ( Casa & Otter ) and NOT splitting the loads?


The Otter, The Casa, and their three 206s. :P
WSI-5 / PFI-51 / EGI-112 / S-Fly
The Brothers Gray Wing Suit Academy
Contact us for first flight and basic flocking courses at your DZ or boogie.

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The Otter, The Casa, and their three 206s

So the plan is...send up the 206 with a load at 8.00 a.m., send the connecting Casa at 9:30, and send the Otter at 9:40 for a 9:50 jump? :P Poor guys in the 206.:D

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We will be doing mutliple groups based on experience. adding the newer birds to the bigger flock once they are refreshed and more importantly, SAFE. I am planning a formation load at least on sat and sun. we will see what we have to work with then go from there. My first goal, is the 25 way perfect diamond:ph34r:. I KNOW WE CAN GET IT!!!!!

p.s. i am writing this from Lauterbrunnen Switzerland. Jeff tony phil and myself made nice jumps from the heli. 12000 foot exit, nice jump then cliff swoop before deploy. we are off to Marl to compete. wish us luck.


Wingsuit organizing, first flight courses and coaching
Flock University

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Depending on which 206 it is, it wlll either climb as well as or faster than the Otter. The fast one did an impressive job as the chase plane for the History Channel taping. Dunno how the CASA fits into the mix.
Of the two remaining 206s, one is at another DZ, and the other is on summer vacation, so not likely to be there.


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I'll be there! Arriving Manchester, N.H. on Thursday August 21st at 7 pm via Southwest.

Anybody arriving this time frame into this airport?

001.Scotty Burns (Sky 2 Productions)
1. Justin Shorb (Flock U)
2. Jeff Donohue
3. DSE
4. Scott Gray
5. Lurch
6. Steve H.
7. Chris Gray
8. Andreea
9. Rick H.
10. Yeyo (PR)
11. Margaret (PR)
12. Soby
14.Reed Searle
15.Rob Szabo
16.Mark krazinski
17. Aerial M
18. Dave Gerstein
19. Purple Mike
20.Dave Godin
21.Riccardo S
22. Phil Peggs
23. Danny Mattox
24. Matt Hoover
25. Tony Uragallo
26. Tony Gwinn(mexican tony)
27. Jim Hickey
28. Scotty Burns
29. Ward Hessig(Mirage)
30. John Bast
31. Don Peterson
32. Jason Carter
33. Zach Schroedel
34. Danny (PR)
35 Jose (PR)
36. Brian Snarr
37. Ryan Maher
38. Taz
39. Darin Ninnes

ok. here is a breakdown of the events and the raffle

thurs 21- DSE birthday bash. we will be celebrating spots birthday while jumping.
fri 22 - warming up for the bigger formation loads. beer and bonfire apres. hit n chug.

sat 23- formation loads, large formation, and wingsuit freefly and baton jumps. Tonysuits and Flock U will be sponsoring a FREE load. u have to be wearing a tonysuit product to get on the plane. more details to follow. also i will be organizing a couple docked heli exits.

sat night, we will be doing a wingsuit cookout. special for wingsuiters only 5 dollars gets you a gourmet meal and Beer. after we eat there will be a wingsuit distance challenge.
im going to run it like a horse challenge. you will be able to place your bets on the winner and whoever guesses the winner wins all the bet money. the race will consist of putting on your wingsuit after the go, then navigate an obsticle course, slam a beer then run back to the finish line.

Sun 24- jumping leading up to a special jump. also we will do the raffle drawing.
prizes as follows:

Tonysuits 50% off suit
2- 35 % off aerodyne products
Free jump with Sky2's Scotty Burns for still and video, 2 free prints of you
2 skyjester skystick batons
2- free versions of paralog (thanks Klaus)
certificate for flexvision products
and some more i still need to confirm.

It sgoing to be a good one, so if you have not got tickets yet, do it.


Wingsuit organizing, first flight courses and coaching
Flock University

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I was wondering what lodging is available in the Pepperell area during the boogie. I'm a huge slacker and am finally getting around to booking my flight today. Are most people camping at the DZ or are there some hotels nearby that a lot of people are staying at?

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I was wondering what lodging is available in the Pepperell area during the boogie. I'm a huge slacker and am finally getting around to booking my flight today. Are most people camping at the DZ or are there some hotels nearby that a lot of people are staying at?

Motel 6 is close, it's not the Ritz, but it a bed.
WSI-5 / PFI-51 / EGI-112 / S-Fly
The Brothers Gray Wing Suit Academy
Contact us for first flight and basic flocking courses at your DZ or boogie.

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The Holiday Inn just up the road (about 7 mins) is very nice, rates in the sub 100.00 range, and very good breakfasts... they had several rooms avail as of this morning. Call and speak directly to Thomas. If they try to send you to their reservations center, dont' let them. Call back if you have to. No one at their reservations system speaks English very well, and they don't even know their own properties.:S Booking with the local people is easier, and you know what you're getting.

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Danny, glad you are going to make it!. As Spot and Scott posted Motel 6 and Holiday Inn are both fine are are the same distance (about 10 mins) from the DZ. Some people do camp at the DZ but truthfully I think you'll be a lot happier if you shell out a few bucks for a hotel room. I think Motel 6 is about $55-$60. See you this weekend. :D

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Three more. See you thursday!

001.Scotty Burns (Sky 2 Productions)
1. Justin Shorb (Flock U)
2. Jeff Donohue
3. DSE
4. Scott Gray
5. Lurch
6. Steve H.
7. Chris Gray
8. Andreea
9. Rick H.
10. Yeyo (PR)
11. Margaret (PR)
12. Soby
14.Reed Searle
15.Rob Szabo
16.Mark krazinski
17. Aerial M
18. Dave Gerstein
19. Purple Mike
20.Dave Godin
21.Riccardo S
22. Phil Peggs
23. Danny Mattox
24. Matt Hoover
25. Tony Uragallo
26. Tony Gwinn(mexican tony)
27. Jim Hickey
28. Scotty Burns
29. Ward Hessig(Mirage)
30. John Bast
31. Don Peterson
32. Jason Carter
33. Zach Schroedel
34. Danny (PR)
35 Jose (PR)
36. Brian Snarr
37. Ryan Maher
38. Taz
39. Darin Ninnes
40. Paul Cain
41. Elana Cain
42. Paul Johnston

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This just in:

We now have TWO sponsored loads. thats right. this means you can get TWO free jumps this boogie.

Load 1 is sponsored by Tony Uragallo and Justin Shorb of Tonysuits and Flock U.

Load 2 is sponsored by Douglas Spotted Eagle of VASST.

Thanks so much Spot and Tony.

things will be kicking off thursday morning.

caw caw

Wingsuit organizing, first flight courses and coaching
Flock University

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Three more. See you thursday!

001.Scotty Burns (Sky 2 Productions)
1. Justin Shorb (Flock U)
2. Jeff Donohue
3. DSE
4. Scott Gray
5. Lurch
6. Steve H.
7. Chris Gray
8. Andreea
9. Rick H.
10. Yeyo (PR)
11. Margaret (PR)
12. Soby
14.Reed Searle
15.Rob Szabo
16.Mark krazinski
17. Aerial M
18. Dave Gerstein
19. Purple Mike
20.Dave Godin
21.Riccardo S
22. Phil Peggs
23. Danny Mattox
24. Matt Hoover
25. Tony Uragallo
26. Tony Gwinn(mexican tony)
27. Jim Hickey
28. Scotty Burns
29. Ward Hessig(Mirage)
30. John Bast
31. Don Peterson
32. Jason Carter
33. Zach Schroedel
34. Danny (PR)
35 Jose (PR)
36. Brian Snarr
37. Ryan Maher
38. Taz
39. Darin Ninnes
40. Paul Cain
41. Elana Cain
42. Paul Johnston
43. Ralph (Canada)

Had a blast at Orange last weekend. Great people and great flocks. Can't wait for even bigger flocks this weekend. See you all then!!

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can somebody post those hotels direct phone number...

is anybody driving from boston to the DZ.. we get into the airport around 5...

please let us know if we can get a ride.. otherwise we will have to rent a car.

blue skies,
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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Motel 6
2 Progress Ave
Nashua, NH 03062
(603) 889-4151

Holiday Inn Nashua
9 Northeastern Blvd
Nashua, NH 03062
(877) 863-4780

I am driving from Boston but will be leaving early in the morning. There is also a direct Bus that goes to Nashua if you want to avoid a car rental....someone can come get you from the bus stop. Call manifest for bus info...I don't have it handy.

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I arrive Manchester, N.H. on Southwest Airlines at 7:00 p.m.

New to this DZ, not sure of the area, thought it was safe just to go ahead and rent a car. Car only cost $66.00 but the fees are $40.00! Go figure.

Anyway got my room at the motel 6 so if anybody wants to split the car for ease of getting back to motel 6 to crash let me know; save our money for the jump tix!

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Today didn't suck! The "Casa-less" boogie turned into the Casa boogie when the big bird finally came in mid-afternoon after some delays in the Carolinas. We have 36 wingsuiters here and more showing up tomorrow. Did some great jumps today including a beautiful sunset formation load. The weather has been phenomenal and tomorrow looks to be the same. First jump tomorrow is a free load courtesy of Tony Suits.....definitely looking forward to the rest of the weekend. :)

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Today didn't suck. We split into two groups. Was a blast to see the results of Phil's group and the larger group come together for a successful 40 way at the end of the day.
Highlight of the day was the evening meal cooked by Jeff and Amy, the presentation of the "special" T-shirt from Scotty Burns to Justin Shorb. The entire video will be released soon unless Justin pays me a lot of money to keep it hushed.
We'll also air the video of Purple Mike taking his rig and wingsuit on and off in the aircraft to fix a packing error that resulted in him riding the airplane back down. But...he smiled through the whole incident. ;):D:D:D:D:D:)

See attached photo of today's end.

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