
Your Favorite Wingsuit Location Visuals??

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I dont think I'll ever see a sight as pretty as when the pilot drops you on jumprun with 1 wing in a cloud that goes from 13,000 all the way down to the dz, which is was zhills remains my favorite wingsuit dropzone, its the place I've had the most number of those types of flights.

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I dont think I'll ever see a sight as pretty as when the pilot drops you on jumprun with 1 wing in a cloud that goes from 13,000 all the way down to the dz, which is was zhills remains my favorite wingsuit dropzone, its the place I've had the most number of those types of flights.

every day..... you can time it,
when it storms there gone,
kick assd clouds
Life is a series of wonderful opportunities,
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.


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