
How to remove duct tape goo?

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Derek, is "Goo-Gone" ok for a rig? I used it on my jumpsuit and it worked beautifully to get tape marks off.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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after you use the lighter fluid .. soak the rig overnight in the bathtub with a mild laundry detergent....

to get the lighter fluid off...

or you could use body solvent... found at most auto body repair shops.. it will do the same thing as zippo lighter fluid..

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Isopropanol (Iso Propyl Alcohol) is a pretty innocent solvent that works on most types of sticker and tape glues that I've encountered, and has never unexpectedly dissolved anything (including nylon) of mine. Handy stuff to have around for de-greasing and the like, too.


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Here is the link to the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for the 3M cleaner. http://www.ppgautoglass.com/msds/pdf/10-5933-6.pdf

Note that it is about half naptha, or low molecular weight hydrocarbons, and half xylene, a chemical relative of benzene. Goo Gone used to list xylol, another name for xylene as its major ingredient. They no longer list the ingredients. All are essentially the same as lighter fluid.

At the hardware store by Xylol or Xylene in the solvent section. About a 10th the price of Goo Gone and similar results. And no citrus stink.:S I'd use it on a container but not on a harness because of no specific knowledge of long term effects. No need to wash or soak container after any of these products. They're volitile and will evaporate away. Don't breath a lot and don't use near a flame source.

Professional Chemist.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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