
What will the future wing suit resemble?

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IT WASN'T JUST "MATH AND PHYSICS" that sent humans to the moon.

Correct. It was math, physics, ENGINEERING, and a LOT of $$$ that sent humans to the Moon.

You forgot a few men with HUGE BRASS BALLS.

...and degrees in engineering.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Imagination without knowledge = just imagination
Skyjester, trust me, you can have tons of imagination, but without at least 1% of understanding u would not move far in the field were Albert was expert.
even less than 0,0000002 % decent educated humans now days barely understand what Albert was about....

Robert, in this subject I trust you completely.
Of course we need lots of understanding to support our imagination.

For example:
My fastest fall from a bike on purpose (ok, maybe I got brain damage from that :S) was at 80 mph.
I know to land a wingsuit is not that easy and I don´t know how to do it, yet - but I know how I can find out.

I like to read you measure "imagination" in tons, so you know "light" and even "time" got weight.
In the theoretic experiment "Schrödinger´s kitten" we see how "imagination" can kill a cat- maybe it works the other way around, also: "imagination" save a wingsuit-pilot :)
btw. I like your icon V2 (A4- rocket) the V2 means "Vergeltungswaffe2" (=revenge weapon2)-
you probably know that
I just finished the first stage of a propulsion rocket system ("V3";)) to power my wingsuit flights. I use components of the V2 technology.
Up to now- great fun!
don´t pester the jester . . or better: WHY SO SERIOUS ? ?


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IT WASN'T JUST "MATH AND PHYSICS" that sent humans to the moon.

Correct. It was math, physics, ENGINEERING, and a LOT of $$$ that sent humans to the Moon.

You forgot a few men with HUGE BRASS BALLS.

...and degrees in engineering.

They surely engineered the most funny puppet show ever created!

Astronaut jumps and salutes flag

Astronaut and dust obviously move at different g's. Dust - some of which is launched up with the same speed as astronaut - should land simultaneously with him, yet we can see it's all gone by the time he reaches the apex. That's because the dust is not suspended by strings. ;)

That's also why you never see them do big jumps - the difference in g's would be too apparent. The reason they appear to be moving like puppets, stand up after falling with center of gravity apparently outside of support (25s mark in this video) like puppets, is... because they ARE puppets on strings!
Android+Wear/iOS/Windows apps:
L/D Vario, Smart Altimeter, Rockdrop Pro, Wingsuit FAP
iOS only: L/D Magic
Windows only: WS Studio

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Astronaut and dust obviously move at different g's. Dust - some of which is launched up with the same speed as astronaut - should land simultaneously with him, yet we can see it's all gone by the time he reaches the apex. That's because the dust is not suspended by strings. ;)

That's also why you never see them do big jumps - the difference in g's would be too apparent. The reason they appear to be moving like puppets, stand up after falling with center of gravity apparently outside of support (25s mark in this video) like puppets, is... because they ARE puppets on strings!

firstly i really feel sorry for you if you believe it was all a conspiracy(i cant figure out if your taking the piss or not)

secondly, and i dont know much about it but from my own observation, if you stand on a beach and jump as high as you can the sand will have be back on the ground before you will(assuming you have an average jump) even though. suprisingly enough the same gravity is acting on you and the sand.

as i said already i dont know much about it but saying two completely different objects should have the same fall rate in the same gravity sounds strange especially coming from a skydiver but i could be completely wrong and if i am i apologise.

this is off topic so i wont comment again

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