
So we have video...Let's debrief.

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I am posting what i think are mistakes I made based on the ZFlock and Dock videos. The idea is that everyone can post their own mistakes and or thoughts on how best to fix those posted by others.

So here goes.

1) Knees below torso. A cuped postion as opposed to a more stable arch.
2) Arms above torso. Instead of bringing the arms inwards to reduce the amount of arm wing and keep the arms at the sides, I tend to throw the arms back. I think this creates instability.

3) Little bit or a lot of of exit hesitation.
4) Hangbackitis....I get to my slot but always seem to hang back a few feet farther than I need to get. I also wobble a bit but that should be fixed by fixing 1 and 2 and being relaxed. A little bit of practice should fix that.

Did you see anything else wrong? Please feel free to point out.


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I agree with most of what you said Kris (not that I know you made those mistakes, but that they are common mistakes). I am especially guilty of #4. Used to be bad at #3 but now I have no exit hesitation, I'm even known to butt in front of you if you hesitate at the door! :)

However as far as #1, I always see pics/video of you in flocks and can pick you out from far away because of that telltale position. :P (and the long lanky body and the shiny silver) BUT... I don't know that this is a bad thing. I may know how to fly my own slot, but I'm not an expert at coaching body position. But I always assumed your body position was necessary because of your build. As far as stability, get next to a stable base (like Scott Bland, the world's best base!) and see how stable you are. If you can fly smooth in that position, do it! You could alternately try arching a lot at the hips and even bending your knees a considerable amount. That's what I do to stay with "fat flocks". :D But I'm not built like you so I don't know for sure if it would work for you...

And swallow your pride and drop your grippers, if you have to. (if you haven't already)

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