
Earplugs and CRW?

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Since about a year, I use earplugs on all my non-CRW jumps. I put them in in the hangar, and take them out after landing. I love it for the mental calm they afford me, and for not ripping my ears to shreds by freefall sound and engine sounds.

However, for CRW I also want to use earplugs to block out the engine sound. But I also want to be able to hear my buddies under canopy. I've tried those earplugs with a cord, so I could pull them out after opening, but no luck (it works, but the earplugs didn't survive).

Has any of you more experienced CReW-dogs done CRW in some combination with earplugs, and have some advice or wisdom to share?

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My team uses a snowboarder style helmet with muffs that can accept speakers inside. They don't use speakers but say that the muffs cut out directional wind noise and help with hearing voice commands. Specifically the receptor bug helmet made by POC available from antigravity BASE.

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One jump-one pair is the way to go to avoid ear infections, so no worry about loosing them. Box of the best ones costs approx $30 (per 100 corded pairs). Choose the highest rating (NRR 33):


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I know there are earplugs that supposedly can block loud noises and allow ambient noise through. I used one before that had like a hollow tube in the middle kind of thing. Looked similar to this: http://www.ishn.com/articles/95039-hearing-protection

There's also far more advanced technology, found this in a google search. http://www.gizmag.com/etymotic-hd-15-electronic-earplugs/19699/

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I wear earplugs on all jumps, RW and CRW. I simply take them out just before jump run and put them in my jumpsuit pocket. Yes, I suppose I'm exposing my hearing to a few minutes of excessive noise, but it's only a small percentage of the total climb time. I do a lot of CRW, and it is vital to be able to hear while under canopy. On some jumps we use radios with an earphone, but that's not the usual jump.
I think if you're looking for quiet and serenity, CRW may not be the best source.

Kevin K.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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I think if you're looking for quiet and serenity, CRW may not be the best source.

Kevin K.

Kevin - most CRW jumps are quiet and peaceful. Just because ones you are on involve lots of screaming and terror doesn't mean they all are like that :ph34r:

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Though I remember wanting to dock on like a 9 way or something at Moss Point one year - someone took his slot and so he kept just sashaying back and forth between me and my slot - I wanted to scream my ass off at him to get out of my way but knew it would do me no good! Someone in the formation finally got his attention and waved for him to go away!

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Though I remember wanting to dock on like a 9 way or something at Moss Point one year - someone took his slot and so he kept just sashaying back and forth between me and my slot - I wanted to scream my ass off at him to get out of my way but knew it would do me no good! Someone in the formation finally got his attention and waved for him to go away!

I remember that one. :D:$ I got confused... It was my first diamond CRW event.

Oh hey David! Long time no see! B|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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