
No-Contact CRW Practice

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This came up at the DZ this past weekend. Another low-timer (75 jumps) and I (66 jumps) were considering doing some no-contact practice CRW. We didn't end up doing it because it got sort of gusty, but I'd like some input and tips for newbies.
We weren't intending to touch, or even get too close, but we talked to the DZO and got some general advice. He said:
Keep 100 ft separation
Scissor legs to show that you see each other
Have a hook knife
Disconnect RSLs
If we did "get a burr up our asses and try to dock", break off above 3000 feet.
If we did accidently wrap, communicate and make a plan
Bottom jumper to cutaway first, then top jumper try to clear junk and cutaway if needed
Other thoughts or suggestions, for when I eventually try this? We weren't going to dock, but I'd like to know some more details on CRW emergency procedures if I'm even going to be flying close to other canopies.

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At least two knives each, make sure one of them is a 'big' knife like Jack the ripper or equivalent, mounted on chest strap. Don't piss around with little plastic ones.....
Chest mount altimeters work better than wrist mounts
Watch your footwear, no hooks on boots.
Wear jeans, and long sleeve sweat shirts to avoid line burn when you are starting.
Prefferably have an experienced crew dog show you the ropes first, better still have one on the load. Don't get too ambitous until you are comfortable with things.
Have fun, Crew rocks......

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For sucess, have comparable canopies and comparable wing loadings. It is easier to do light CReW w/ 2 sabres loaded at 1.0 than a sabre loaded at 1.0 and a crossfire loaded at 2.0.
it is fun to rub end cells w/ someone else and pretty safe too. If there is any problem, you just both turn 90 degrees away from each other. Done this a bunch w/ tandems.

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If we did accidently wrap, communicate and make a plan
Bottom jumper to cutaway first, then top jumper try to clear junk and cutaway if needed

Carefull out there.... thats the right procedure for a wrap, but there is anothe mal called a entaglement. In that case its the high man (who usualy is being spun around) who cuts away first.
I havent done much CReW, but do get a bit of coaching from an experienced dawg....
Muff 914

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