
New school tracking positions, useful videos?

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Hi guys!

I've been doing some tracking jumps as part of my fun jumping and I want to get better at them.

In my DZ unfortunately I don't think there are many people who are good enough to teach the newer dearched tracking position, everyone's doing the old school delta track.

Do you guys have any videos or tutorials for the basic position? I can find a bunch of atmo videos but they're already from people who are doing a lot of advanced stuff, mostly almost head down, I'm more interested in the real basic stuff. How to go up, down, slower, faster, etc...

I want to do a beginner angles camp but there's nothing near me atm, possibly will do something like that next year in a planned holiday, but until then, anything you think might be useful?

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Max tracking and angle flying are different for the most part. Angle flying at least at my DZ is almost head down. At best you are flying at a 45 degree pitch.

Generally speaking for all forms of skydiving with forward movement

In a belly to earth orientation, de-arching moves you up and arching moves you down, the inverse is true for flying on your back. Introducing drag slows you down, removing drag speeds you up on that trajectory. Sweeping your arms back changes your pitch (angle)...the attached tracking suit fly-by video demonstrates this.

If your goal is to out track ledges at some point, then watch base footage of good trackers (with or without tracksuits). I used to practice by looking in the mirror (front and side profile). Try to approximate the body position as best as you can on the ground. Do a body check - from head to toe, check part by part of your body and pay attention to what it feels like for the body parts to be in the right spot (again - use the mirror as a guide and videos as the "ideal to approximate"). Do those body checks in the air. I check shoulders, core, butt. A good max track is exhausting as hell. Your body should be super rigid and tensioned throughout.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5ObtJ7f5fM (3:30 shows a good body position on the ground)

If your goal is to angle fly, learn to fly head down. Angle flying is a hybrid state between tracking and head down. Here at my DZ people gradually start adding angles to their free flying after they have become proficient on their head. The body positions for angle flying, both belly and back, are the same body positions that are used for head down out-face and in-face carving respectively. Since the majority of people at my DZ learn free flying through the tunnel, this is usually the route by which people start. I can't speak about learning angles from tracking...but it seems doable.


p.s. http://www.dropzone.com/safety/Disciplines/Wingsuiting/Wingsuit_Flight_-_A_Reference_Guide_779.html
Some of the same principles that apply to wingsuiting apply to angle flying.

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I think this may help


And if you are able to come to Spain you can find dropzones that usually organize Atmo weekends at several leves (from very begginers to advanced flyers)


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Hi guys!

I've been doing some tracking jumps as part of my fun jumping and I want to get better at them.

In my DZ unfortunately I don't think there are many people who are good enough to teach the newer dearched tracking position, everyone's doing the old school delta track.

Do you guys have any videos or tutorials for the basic position? I can find a bunch of atmo videos but they're already from people who are doing a lot of advanced stuff, mostly almost head down, I'm more interested in the real basic stuff. How to go up, down, slower, faster, etc...

I want to do a beginner angles camp but there's nothing near me atm, possibly will do something like that next year in a planned holiday, but until then, anything you think might be useful?

Are you most interested in preformance tracking (first paragraph) or angle dives (last paragraph)?
Instructor quote, “What's weird is that you're older than my dad!”

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