
finally off AFF, made my first jump solo!

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Finished my last jump with my instructor Jackson at Skydance and got to jump solo today, my 8th jump ever. Did a diving exit, flip, turns and tracking. Couldn't believe how slow the altitude passed, felt like forever and I actually pulled 1000 ft earlier than on my AFF so I could do some extra drills under canopy. FUN!

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I'm missing something... what "pesky" word?

He's afraid to say the word First.

The first time you do something, it can be cause to buy beer. Some people try to abuse it by getting people to buy beer for unimportant firsts.

I like the tradition of getting beer for being cleared to do solos... like you just did. If you buy your first rig, that might be worthy but I'm kinda apposed to making people spend more after spending so much.

There are beer rules and I'm sure you can find them on this site. Choose the important ones and ignore the rest.

Say first all you want because pre-second isn't going to get you out of it if it's worthy.

I do firsts all the time such as the first time I jump with a brand new AFF student. I've jumped with many but each time it's a new student, it's the first time. See what I mean?

BTW, Congratulations! Have fun, stay safe and work up to harder stuff in a progressive manner.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Hey hookitt, thanks for not mincing words! I like your attitude about these, "traditions". Just so happens I like brewing, collecting and drinking beer so it didn't take much arm twisting for me to bring some in. I'll plan on bringing more when I get my "first" jump on my A license!

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