
Freefly Container

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If money isn't an object, get all the options for whatever container fits you well. All FF friendly rigs work the same damn way, the main tray is below the reserve tray, with 2 handles in the front. Now buying based on what everyone else is buying isn't doing yourself justice. Try on different rigs that are owned by people of the same build to get an idea of what is comfortable for you. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but don't be a lemming and buy what other people think is the best. Buy what YOU think is the best.


Controlled and Deliberate.....

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You know, it doesn't hurt to purchase something that the riggers in your area are familar with. I would venture a guess that a decent number of riggers have packed the "name brand" rigs a few times. Sure they should be able to simply follow the instructions and get a good/clean looking packjob (we're going to assume that your rigger can pack a good packjob in general) out of any rig. However, the reality is that if its a rig that a rigger has never packed, it'll probably take a few packjobs to get that rig looking really clean. Like they can get a type of rig they've packed hundreds of times to look.

Not the end of the world, just food for thought.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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And to follow on from what AD said, speak to as many experienced riggers as possible and ask them about repacks. Which containers are their favourites/least favourites to repack and why. Riggers love questions like these, they lead on very easily to main riser covers, harness design etc. Just be sure to do it when they aren't busy and you will learn a lot. :)

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Make sure you ask them which rig they feel is built with the best quality too. Every rig has a TSO but like cars, there is a difference between a Yugo and a Cadillac even though both cars are DOT approved. Safety is paramount!;)

Does anyone else find it funny that we made a SPORT out of an EMERGENCY PROCEDURE?!?!

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i think vector 3 is the best however there are a lot of other great ones out there v 3 just has all bases covered no worries there shouldnt be rigs out there that are just good for on your belly look at the price they are higher and lower doesnt make sense in my opinion why not have all areas covered w no worries
don't try your bullshit with me!!!

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I'm agreeing with vectracide, don't buy what others buy. But since you asked the question...
I'd order a power racer. With the multi-flex harness. You just can't beat the comfort in my opinion. Superior pin protection. Great reserve deployment. Very slim compared to other containers which means more aerodynamic. Simple.
Na' Cho' Cheese

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Money wasn't an object and jumping overseas I wasn't influenced by the crowd. I researched and bought a Racer.

My reasons: pin protection, reserve deployment, flexibility, over-the-shoulder design.

Later, after the opportunity to try on other rigs, my second was a Racer, too. I found it more flexible and comfortable. However, repacks were a challenge for a couple of my riggers. Talk to your rigger our you may hear unpleasant mumblings at repack time. If you expect to sell and upgrade, you'll have better resale value with a more popular rig.

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