
Anyone done some cool jumps lately?

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Ok got another one with Anomaly. It was another six-way hybrid. We launched a three-way base (me & Steve Boyd Sr on belly with one hanger, Eric Boyd). Anomaly (Jed, Stevie & Trent) then stung the belly flyers. Trent & Stevie released, popped above the hybrid a few feet and rotated facing each each other in the burbel. Video by Major Nathan Blood looks pretty cool.

What made it especially nice was to see Steve in the air with Eric and Stevie, and have me and Trent together too! Of course we had to have our favorite adopted son Jed to complete the picture.

That was an awesome jump! Thanks for letting me be a part of that one. I'll try to get the video up on SDM.com tonight. Stills are being developed. I hope they turn out good. That was one of the most memorable jumps I've ever been on. Just glad to be able to see that one first hand.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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3 way sit with fabien Raidel and mike swanson - they made even me look good!!! B|B|

Came out of my exit to find fabien already hanging off my foot grinning at me and mike hanging off him!! Big grin when i landed from that one!
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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3 way sit with fabien Raidel and mike swanson - they made even me look good!!! B|B|

Came out of my exit to find fabien already hanging off my foot grinning at me and mike hanging off him!! Big grin when i landed from that one!

Stumpy- are you back at Perris...obviously? I am leaving this from the bomb shelter right now...I'll be back at 8am in the tunnel and then jumping all day on Wed as well. Ask for Kurt @ manifest and we'll get a jump in. I can actually move around head up now:P
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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I wish I had video of that frankenstein jump I did over the weekend, but all I got were those 80+ awesome stills instead ;)



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Just got done with 3rd Vertical Challenge which is an all invite event at Skydive Elsinore. 18 flyers all from CA-AZ, we did some 8 point 8-ways, in-out facing rounds, 4-way sit rounds out the door, 16-way round and more stuff than I can sit here and type. i will be coming out with a video soon that has high lights form VC, PH, world record, tunnel and some canopy so look out for it.


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i will be coming out with a video soon that has high lights form VC, PH, world record, tunnel and some canopy so look out for it.

Sick! Please post back here and let us know when it's ready to go and where it will be available?


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Does 6mgs of melatonin hypnagogic musing count ?

I once had an intensely vivid lucid dream that I did the Omar sequence out of crosswind in slow mo.Was pretty sick.

REality SHmelity......

Pineal glands rock but some times the old grey engine needs a boost.
Yahoo Serious

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Probably bit basic for you pro's but it certainly made my day..:)2 way.
Unlinked flat flying exit.......Open accordian grip (flat).....both transition to HD on the key.....grip switch HD.....grip release......360deg turn HD each ....redock....both transition to HU....foot to foot dock....360degree turn each HU........
And then just kinda hanging there sitflying in front of each other grinning ear to ear !

First time I had tried a dive actively involving flat flying/HD /HU ..all as part of the dive plan.....
I am just scratching the surface of what 'total body flight' is all about ie not to be constrained to a single flying orientation but to flow between them all........and I like it alot !

(BTW I have video.....it will end up in a 'Mad Dog Production' somewhere on skydivingmovies.com soon)

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Wow!!!! Yesterday I did a two way sit (not a big deal to most) that was fucking great!!!

We just carved around each other the whole dive but everything just felt good, like a peaceful dream that you never want to end.

Hard to explain but most great things are.;)
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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Yesterday I did a two way sit (not a big deal to most) that was fucking great!!!

Nothing wrong with doing a two-way. Sometimes they are the best jumps because you can just have a low-pressure dive and have fun with one of your friends. B|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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If you want to see some of the jumps go to www.petergallistudios.com and look for Vertical Challenge III, Pete from Guano was one of my camera guy's and he has some good pics.


Nicely! Thanks :)

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Ran 7 on the weekend. Havent been able to jump much of late so I was in a state of mania all day. Like lil kid with whacko health freak parents let loose in a candy store....sugar rushing out of his mind. TING TING TING!

Had nothing planned first jump and didnt want to do a solo. Followed 2 guys with low jump nums try and get together on their bellys all around the sky. Even that was absolutely exhilirating.

Skydiving rules.

>>Vertical Challenge III

sickness ness ness ness......

Thats some Terminally ILL Shit
Yahoo Serious

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After nearly five weeks i can finally reply to this thread!

I had two of the sickest two ways ever yesterday. (For me anyway)

The first was a jump with my girlfriend, we exited HD off the king air with a nice loose, single handgrip. We flew that so perfectly, on level, just laughing away, then transition to sit, toe touch, foot dock, hand dock, foot dock. :)
And i wasn't wearing my camera! [:/]

The 2nd one was with another flyer, HD exit, again a singe handgrip. On his command i transition to a sit, i was little lazy on the legs but we maintained it, then realease, he transitions to a sit, foot dock and foot dock. Not exacty the jump we had planned but i was stoked.

What suprised me was how suddenly and without thinking about it my HD skills were just there. So sweet.

Hope you guys had a rocking weekend too!

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I messed around with head down yesterday for a second. Did a 4 way flower HD exit and flew it...totally cool. Broke off, transitioned to HU and people built a couple of pieces off me.

Did a 2way with someone else. They flew base with plans for me to make a dock. I ended up getting 1 hand to hand, and 2 hand to foot.

Next week I'm going to work on some serious slot flying and figure out how to fly a two handed dock.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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