
Moisture inside Newton Ringsight

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Hey all!

Need some urgent help please. I have a Newton Ringsight and it has gotten moisture within the lens itself. I have followed a number of tricks from other camera flyers to dry it up. However it has left behind some residue and being honest it is annoying the hell out of me!

So i'm looking to you guys for some help please. Before i do it i need to see if this is a viable way to resolve it. I noticed it has a ring on the inside of the lens i know it can be removed but how? If i were to do this can the film of the ringsight be removed and cleaned? or do i have any other options?

Again all help and advice will be greatly recieved!

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The ring you see can be removed but take great care when removing it that whatever tool you using dont slip and leave a nice big scratch on the lens. It takes some patience, a good grip in the hands and skill. Its a snap ring that sets outwards, so you will have to use something to lift one of the open ends out of the groove that it seats in and once its lifted out just continue lifting the rest until you get to the other end. When you about 3/4 way around it will basicly come out by itself.
I removed mine for the exact same reason why you want to remove urs.

Assembling is basicly a reverse of what you did when taking it apart just a whole lot easier.

You can also when assembling it turn the film so the orientation suits you better.

Good luck

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