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Has anyone had any luck getting in contact with this company?
I'm no one special, but I did identify myself as an AFF instructor at my local DZ with an interest to buy (not trying to bum a free one mind you) and they won't even e-mail me back.>:(

Competition is what this market needs and I'm willing to try this product now, not wait for 4 or five years to see what happens.

I've sent them 3 e-mails and have nothing in my in-box to show for it. I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt on customer service if I can at least talk to a real person at the company or e-mail a real person instead of the address on the web site.


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Don't want to start a war here but do you really want to be a test dummy for these guys? I *might* be interested after they have a proven track record for 4-5 years, but ask the French RW team member who got dumped out on his reserve at 3-4000 feet. Sure hate to have that hapen around pull tim.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I did do a little research on that, that wasn't even a Beta test unit. It was some initial research on their products, and the French guy was the test dummy. Supposedly they fixed it.

Yes I realize I'm taking some chances by not waiting but we all do. I haven't jumped any form of AAD since I started skydiving. When cypress first came out they weren't proven yet, and that was NEW technology and use at the time. At least now the technology and equipment have not only been proven, but improved upon.


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You are correct about the Vigil test dummy That was the first deplooyment of their software and they upgraded it and re-tested.

I too, am interested in this new unit. Anyone else notice how quick after they announced its deployment that Cypres started changing their policies on maintenance?

"Competition is good, it keeeps us efficient" --unknown

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Anyone else notice how quick after they announced its deployment that Cypres started changing their policies on maintenance?

I must have missed something. What has changed?
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I probably mispoke - by the time I learn of stuff its probably been 6 months after it was formally announced, I know of the following:

1)+/- 3 months from scheduled maintenance date.
2) New water proof model (or resistant, I think is the proper term).
3) I was "told" (=grain of salt), going to a 4 year only maintenance cycle).
4) Buy back program

Anyone know of something I missed?

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Cypres was doing the buy back program months before AAD was heard about. They have always done the +/-3 months on the maintence AFAIK. The Cypres2 was in testing for about a year on the new redesign, its just they did'nt make their testing public like others did.

The 4 year maintence cycle is only good for the Cypres2, the original Cypres still needs the old maintence schedule.

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I contacted them via email after I saw an article about them in Skydiving. Jo promptly replied and told me they would be more than happy to send me a Vigil at their price of around 6oo euro's.
There is a web sight which you can go to and fill out a request for the Vigil since we do not have any distruibuters in the US. Here is the email they sent me...

Dear Skydiver,

We finally start shipping the Vigil. Thank you for your patience. This really is the dawn of a new era for AADs.

We will ship the units as fast as we can on a "First ordered, first served" base.
The first batch of Vigils will be shipped first week of August and the next batch will be shipped by 25 August.

To speed up things we need from you the following information: a. Exact name and delivery address
b. Visa or MasterCard number
c. Name of cardholder
d. Expire date
e. (for companies only) VAT/TVA/MwSt number for EU-based companies

We will only charge your card for the amount of 629 Euros + regular UPS shipping (and 21% VAT sales tax, inside the EU) as soon as we will ship the Vigil to you.

Please keep in mind that if we don't hear from you we will consider that you're no longer interested in the Vigil and we'll ship the unit to someone else...

Thanks again for your confidence and Blue Skies,

Jo Smolders,
AAD nv/sa
Boulevard A. Reyers 193
B-1030 Brussels
Mail: info@vigil.aero
Fax: +32(0)2-736 06 27


"The edge ... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who know where it is are those that have gone over"

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So... still no one has actually spoken to a person or knows that their e-mail has gotten through to an actual person.

Dear Skydiver,
We finally start shipping the Vigil. Thank you for your patience. This really is the dawn of a new era for AADs.

automatically generated e-mail if you ask me

Fax: +32(0)2-736 06 27

fax number but no voice
I'm not saying their a fake, but I'm not sending my credit card information to a company that doesn't even take the time to send a personal response

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Sound like the right info. Your speaking of the Cypres II. I supose the PUBLIC info release date and the Vigil's release date were pretty close in timing. The industry (vendors and manufacturers) were getting updates on the Cypres II as early as 2002.

The longer service inteval was always one of the points AirTec was pushing.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Got my Cypres 2 last weekend; The Vigil is grounded in all of France where that malfunction happened.
It deployed the reserve at about 500m (1650 ft) and the unit was a "beta test" product, having SUCCESSFULLY PASSED all laboratory and dummy drop tests. Read the info at para-mag.com (couldn't find the article anymore, it's french+i got the info by mail early july). This should definitely not happen! Thought about buying it, too, but rethought. Didn't want to be a testpilot.
Lucky me!
Cypres 2 doesn't need battery change and has a 4 yr maintenance cycle with 6 month +/-.
I guess the waterresistant and 10 sec countdown feats are nice, but mostly cosmetics(unless you're pond swooping of course).
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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Didn't I tell you about a used Cypres??? Hell, your Infinity will be here soon without anything to put into it! (Other than my Spectre.):D
BTW, better not spend too much time on here as the Major may find out and make you do extra PT.:o:D

Anyway, make sure Ginny practices the dive flow for Level 1.


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(not trying to bum a free one mind you)
There were no free ones. I work for a Co. that does parachute testing and contacted them out using one of their beta units. All I had to do was pay 600+ for it. They are looking for the jumping public to complete their testing.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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So... still no one has actually spoken to a person or knows that their e-mail has gotten through to an actual person.


Dear Skydiver,
We finally start shipping the Vigil. Thank you for your patience. This really is the dawn of a new era for AADs.

automatically generated e-mail if you ask me

Fax: +32(0)2-736 06 27

fax number but no voice
I'm not saying their a fake, but I'm not sending my credit card information to a company that doesn't even take the time to send a personal response

I received actual emails from Jo. One 4 days after my email, the second the same day as my email. Maybe they dont like you:P;) Seriously, I did get actual personalised emails.

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It's definitely a positive step that the Cypres is getting new competitors. Wasn't there another unit in Parachustist a few months back, the Mpaad? I've got a Cypres already, so I won't be in the market for a new AAD until 2008. Hopefully by then, these new guys will be tried and true. I'd like to replace it then with something that doesn't need maintenence every four years and a battery every two. I'm looking forward to it!

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I'd like to replace it then with something that doesn't need maintenence every four years and a battery every two. I'm looking forward to it!

I'd like to replace mine with something thats cheaper to operate and at least as reliable.

Maybe that will be the Cypress 2, or maybe one if these other units. Until they get a few years in the field, i wont be rushing to replace mine on either count.... most of this TCO is marketing drivel (which may be true, but still drivel at this point) until proven by use.

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The Mpaad, or Mars or whaever of three names I've heard it called by, suffers from a design problem that I think will keep it out of sport rigs for a long time (if ever).

The unit (without going into detail) needs a container manufacturer who will signifigantly redesign their rigs back pad, and reserve container for the unit ti be usable. One of the few things (IMO) that the VIGIL has going for it is that it is the same size, shape, and functions much like a Cypres. You should be able to use it in a crypre ready rig(as almost all are sold) if you wished to.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I have been in touch with Jo wrt/ Beta program, and latest word I received was that Airtec has threatened a lawsuit against the mfg of the cutter (I gather that makes cutters for both ?? Airtec and AAD). Jo said that units wont ship to the US until that gets sorted out (possibly months).

Quite disappointing.

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I have been in touch with Jo wrt/ Beta program, and latest word I received was that Airtec has threatened a lawsuit against the mfg of the cutter (I gather that makes cutters for both ?? Airtec and AAD). Jo said that units wont ship to the US until that gets sorted out (possibly months).

Quite disappointing.

What about the Astra cutter....isn't it the same as the cypres cutter?
Fly it like you stole it!

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