
this could be a cool idea.

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As a longtime skateboarder I always have and still do enjoy watching videos of the pros tear it up. As a newer skydiver, nothing has changed. Im interested in getting into freefall photography and video editing in the future. Skate videos and skydive edits are very similar in my mind as far as the editing tequniques and the feelings I get from both. One of my favorite skateboarding videos was and still is "yeah right" which was actualy directed by spike jones. Theres a pretty cool segment in which they use skateboards thqt have been painted green, then edited them out using greenscreen method, making them appear to be gliding above the ground. I just thought it might be a cool idea to see a video involving swoopers with green canopy/lines and edit out the canopies using this method. Here is a link to the "yeah right" segment I was referring to

Invisible Boards - Girl Yeah Right: http://youtu.be/dM1BapTFnXM

Reply and let me know how dumb of an idea it is please and thank you.

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It's highly unlikely that you'll be able to get gear that will be compatable with croma key effects. You'll have to mask each individual frame. Easy if you have a studio behind you, nearly impossible if you're just one guy.

But, that sounds like you've got a project to work on.... ;)

Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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roto'ing the lines is relatively easy if you've a flat continuous background. The lines don't even need to be green.
However...making it look like anything interesting, having a background worth looking at with the arc of the canopy in front...not so sure how that would come off as anything realistic nor even interesting.

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Sure, could be done. But the bigger point is "why?"
If you're going to key an environment, why not do it where lighting is controlled, camera focus is controlled, and a better camera can more easily be used?
Afterall, you're going to be messing with the background.

It's quite common for feature films to key a face onto another actor, but I'm likely being dense in not seeing how this would apply removing lines or body.

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Sure, could be done. But the bigger point is "why?"
If you're going to key an environment, why not do it where lighting is controlled, camera focus is controlled, and a better camera can more easily be used?
Afterall, you're going to be messing with the background.

It's quite common for feature films to key a face onto another actor, but I'm likely being dense in not seeing how this would apply removing lines or body.

All really cool stuff starts with one persons "idea". I say, Go for it! Be sure to show us when your done. Who knows? Maybe you'll develop a new process that will revolutionize the special FX industry. B|
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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Agreed entirely, cool stuff starts with one person's idea.
That said, keying/matting/masking generally is an extremely difficult achievement even in today's world, outside of controlled environments.
The sky is anything but.
Keying in a tunnel is a very common thing, and very similar to the OP's idea. For years, I've had a dream of doing a short aerial ballet piece in a tunnel, keyed for relevant backgrounds. One day, I'll maybe do it.

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how about getting the skydiver to wear a green suit and edit them out so all you see is a bunch of containers moving in freefall?

If you remove the person from the video you will see a black human with a rig on.
The camera can't video what's behind the person so removing him from the video will make it black.

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It'll make it appear with whatever they put behind the key.
Were it just a floating rig, then I'd clip a section of the sky next to the 'body' and use that as my backplate. It might be off a bit, but I'm sure that I could clean it up. Just seems like a ton of post for something that is easily to achieve as a practical or setup.

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