
Canon 7D- 18MP/8fps/full HD Video/$1900

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The test you are referreing to is using the unit of LW/PH (Line widths per picture height)

You are right. I was confused there. LPPM isnt the same as LW/PH


In order to utilize the 18 MP of the EOS 7D, the optics would need a resolution of 3456 LW/PH, equal to the vertical number of pixels on the sensor.

This im not so sure about just yet. I agree that this is how it seems at first glance, but is it really ?

I admit that Im not so familiar with the subject, so I could be wrong.

The thing that makes me wonder is that when we look at the photozone test 17-55 f/2.8 @ 8Mpix (350D sensor) the maximum MTF value is measured 2126,5 LW/PH even though the theoretical maximum would be 2304 on that sensor. At first glance it would seem the lens doesnt quite utilize the whole sensor. Right ?

However when the test was done with a 15 Mpix (50D sensor) the maximum MTF value at the same aperture as on the previous test was 2536.

Now I would be very curious to see what the MTF values would be when the lens was tested on a sensor with even higher resolution. Lets say 20Mpix. Im almost sure the MTF value on that sensor would be even higher than 2536. Dont you agree ?

What I mean is that even if you wont measure the theoretical maximum MTF value with the lens on 15Mpix sensor, that doesnt mean it wouldnt perform better on a sensor with larger resolution.

Therefore it looks like that going beyond 15 Mpix is beneficial in terms of true picture resolution. Do you agree ? Sure the gain becomes smaller and smaller all the time so it is very likely that the gain is not very large beyond 15 Mpix.. Who knows ?

The author of the Photozone Lens Test FAQ is guessing the limit could be somewhere around 20Mpix with the sharp lenses. " Assuming optimal conditions I would guess that a few, very few lenses may have the potential to go up to 20mp on APS-C but only with their center portion. "

Intresting subject. Anyway it seems IMO that building a 18 Mpix APS-C sensor isnt just a Canon marketing strategy, but it actually is of use to those with sharp optics.

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... the maximum MTF value is measured 2126,5 LW/PH even though the theoretical maximum would be 2304 on that sensor...

I would guess that is due to the measurement method which is used... I don't think one would be able to measure the theoretical maximum. You also have to take into consideration that all SLRs have AA filters in front of the sensor, which will slightly blur the image.

But when the measured resolution gets really close to the theoretical max, it is pretty safe to assume that the optical resolution of the lens does exceed the sensor resolution. (Like the 17-55 f/f2.8 @ 8MP test)

The theoretical max @ 15 MP would be 3168 LW/PH. Since none of the 15MP tests on photozone.de achieve more than 2600 LW/PH, i really don't think that Canon even produces lenses that exceed the resolution of a 15 MP APS-C sensor.

Of course i would also like to see some resolution tests @ 18MP...

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and another problem of so many pixels will be light difraction

with apertures of 11 and upper, the diffraction cone will be bigger than the pixel size, so it does not care how good the lense is, it is fisically impossible to get more resolution...

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and another problem of so many pixels will be light difraction

with apertures of 11 and upper, the diffraction cone will be bigger than the pixel size, so it does not care how good the lense is, it is fisically impossible to get more resolution...

Almost. It depends on the size of the sensor. As relates to this cam, you're correct, of course.

The 7D is the cam body I've been waiting for for gen purpose everything. Real video, not animotion 30p, and 24p, so it's an amateur and even a low-end pro videographer's dream in addition to the still side.
Beautiful images, does great in highspeed environments, built like a brick sh**house. Very nice cam overall.

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I was permitted about an hour with it last month, and was not allowed to leave the building so I shot in very limited circumstances. I did have my own lenses however, and was pleased with what I saw both in the RAW and JPG images.
The video is finally mostly ready for prime-time. It's 29.97 vs 30p fixed. If you're already a "Canon-ite" you'll be very familiar with the controls.
Scary fast focus. I connected the 580 flash and was surprised at the options and speed.
The "Spray n' Pray" photographer will love how fast it is.
Dropping the sharpening resulted in a very film/silver-like image vs digital image, so I love that aspect. It's very smooth in how it manages grades.
It was noisy at ISO3200 (as expected), but it saw details my eyes couldn't make out. I primarily focused on the video aspects of the camera, as that's the market we're doing a training DVD for. I'll have a 7D in a week or so for that shoot.

Scotty Burns had a fair amount of time with the camera at the trade show yesterday, hopefully he'll chime in with his opinion. He was mostly interested in it as a still cam vs video.

Canon is making a big deal out of the ergonomics of the camera, but the truth is (from my perspective), that it feels little different from the 5D or even 50D.
For 1700.00 (body only) it's a beautiful piece for a mid-level camera.

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Its a rare time that you are using a camera and your thought is "Damn, this camera is too powerful for my uses" ;)

I see this one being popular once prices fall to the levels that the 50D is at now. Its also going to require an investment in L glass to get the most bang for the photos. Then again at 2K for the body what is another couple of hundred for the 17-55?

Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Its a rare time that you are using a camera and your thought is "Damn, this camera is too powerful for my uses" ;)

True, true....


I see this one being popular once prices fall to the levels that the 50D is at now. Its also going to require an investment in L glass to get the most bang for the photos. Then again at 2K for the body what is another couple of hundred for the 17-55?

Well, I've got the 24-105 f/4L, the 70-200 f/2.8L (non-IS) and the 100-400 f/4.5-5.6L, so I'm pretty much set, there... although some primes are calliing my name... ;)
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Very nice, but you can clearly see where he shot 30p vs 60p. Audio is very good, which is one of the other places the camera kicks a$$ over the 5DmkII.
Looks like he's using a Microdolly or similar through some of it. Thanks for pointing it out!

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No real post processing. He says he bumped up the contrast and saturation a little in the camera. So the picture should be as it comes from the camera.

Lenses were

Canon 10-22 f/3.5-4.0
Canon 50mm f/1.4
Canon 70-200mm f/2.8

He says he uses Glidetrack dolly for some shots. On the other hand a lot was shot hand held.

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just got a 7D
super impressed until now, still need to learn how to properly use it

did some test shooting but as i after uploading the framerate went a bit off

footage looks loads better wit no editing (especially the ''sharpness'')


and some test stills:

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For those coming to this thread late, Canon have more or less fixed their jelloing problem except in some odd circumstances. We're working a segment right now that is entirely shot with a 7d, RazorPrime, and it's looking quite good thus far.
More on that later.

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Wow. Thanks for posting the video! I have had 7D since last year and I never gave it a try videoing in freefall. After seeing that, I will try it. Just curious, why 720/50fps?
Do you have IS on your 18-55? If so, did you turn it on? Canon does not recommend turning IS on while videoing because it records the IS motor noise, but I thought that in our case the wind noise would cover that.

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A few talented Finnish skydivers have filmed some nice music videos with the 5dm2 such as this:


I remember after the 5Dm2 came out and I thought it was pretty cool and exiting, people were laughing at me in here for thinking so...

I dont hear anyone laughing no more. Canon DSLR video has proven to be exellent piece of equipment no doubt.

Even some of the bigger budget film makers use it nowadays. (Fox series house, 24 etc...)

Im eager to see what people will come up with this in the air..

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I remember after the 5Dm2 came out and I thought it was pretty cool and exiting, people were laughing at me in here for thinking so...

In fairness....the camera didn't perform well at all in its initial release, and it took Canon over a year to respond to the jelloing issue. DSLR filmmaking is big, no doubt. There are still several issues, but the workarounds now are plentiful, vs what they were a year ago.
And of course, you still can't shoot stills and video, nor are video frame grabs a high enough quality to be sellable.

Shoto, the uniQoptics lens known as the Razor is a cinematic lens converted for DSLR.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1134620&l=48c7c24e4a&id=1032868837 for a photo of it on my camera. They should be shipping quite soon.

to add; I didn't leave a space between Razor and Prime....sorry if that messed up your google search!

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Just curious, why 720/50fps?
Do you have IS on your 18-55? If so, did you turn it on?

the lens is and very old kit lens 18-55 that came with my 350D, no IS (image stabilisation)
the blurring of the framerates has a lot to do with my poor editing skills and understanding of framerates
i choose 720/50i just to see how slowmotion looks at 25 frames

really is the first test i did with the cam, and i have loads to learn

stay tuned, more is about to come just need some proper lens

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