
Control lost after stability , why ?

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Used different rig than my normal student rig and it had straps on the sides that myself nor my instructors were aware of - they were never tightened but you can't tell because of the weight of the container walking or sitting but in free fall it was very easy to feel. This caused a space between my back and the rear of the container and in free fall felt very loose. My cutaway was more to my side then my front , same with my reserve D ring and my chest strap very high after deployment.
Here's my thing though - I jumped category D jump 1 with one instructor who released me just after stabilization at about 13k or so - I remained in a stable arched position ( I've been a stable student since category B and have two hours tunnel time so I'm comfortable with the arch , relaxation , legs and turns etc ).
My first command was 90 to the right and I began by checking altitude looking to the right then starting my turn. My body turned quicker than normal , something felt different. I continued to turn unable to correct or even stop the turn - I sped up quickly, ultimately losing total control of all axis. I could not see my altimeter nor could I get to my hackey. I spotted the ground a few times but had no clue what my altitude was. I immediately went back to my training from previous instructors and wind tunnel instructors. I flipped myself back over from back down position but my body continued to turn and flip. I went directly into a deep arch with arms out and legs spread a bit but down and relaxed ... almost an X position. No luck at all - I couldn't control my fall nor could I get to my hackey -
I never got totally stable but continued to attempt reaching my hackey - I finally got my hand on it and held onto it with a thousand foot pounds I'm sure lol - out it went , deployment then of course a line twist. I was just under 3k feet. I was still in some kind of sensory or shock thing lol so my landing sucked and it was on the edge of the runway.
I'd love some input on this one if you have the time. Tenured instructors are very welcome to leave comments but all opinions will be appreciated.
John White , RCDD

" Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't "

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Used different rig than my normal student rig and it had straps on the sides that myself nor my instructors were aware of - they were never tightened ...

I think the answer to this is rather straightforward. These straps need to be tight to hold the container close to your body. It would seem that your instructors should know about these straps, but then again, I know of a lot of people that do not think the tightness of them matters all that much. (I think you might want to ask around.)


... I finally got my hand on it and held onto it with a thousand foot pounds I'm sure lol - out it went , deployment then of course a line twist. I was just under 3k feet. ...

To me that wasn't scary low, but it is low enough for many of us to be concerned. I suggest going through some scenarios with your instructors to help you understand the importance of pulling a bit higher. Using the reserve is a possible solution if you can't find the main handle. But I'm not saying that is what you should have done. Ask your instructors.

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I'd gladly move this to that section - can I do this or should I delete and redo under that topic.


Moderators; please combine this thread with the similar thread on the SAFETY and TRAINING forum, then erase this double post from the INCIDENTS forum.

No harm = no foul means that this topic does not belong on the incidents forum. Heck! Dude did not even deploy a reserve.

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Used different rig than my normal student rig and it had straps on the sides that myself nor my instructors were aware of...

If the instructors do not know the gear their students are using it might be a good time to find another place to learn to jump. If they don't know the gear, what else don't they know?

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Every rig fits different. Practice handle touches on the ground and if you're not sure a particular rig is right for you, ask an instructor. Student rigs generally fit no one perfectly, and a rig that is much bigger than your body is going to feel and fly much different to a student or new jumper. A rig that is too big isn't dangerous, just different.

If there is video to see what you did, slow it down with an instructor and watch what you are doing with your body that started the spinning and how you tried to correct it. At your level, its really common to not be aware of what yoyr body is doing. Maybe the rig was shifting, maybe you had a leg sticking out sideways, slomo video will help solve the mystery of what happened, if you care too.

Ultimately it doesent matter what happened, every student has crappy jumps sometimes. Sounds to me like you handled it, got your msin out, and want yo improve for your next jump. Awesome. Ask your instructors what you should practice for next time, and practice it a ton. You could have practiced your entire dive flow 5 times in how long it took to read through this thread, practice helps, Internet not so much.

Also: fly more. You have a total of how many minutes in the sky? Probably not very many if you're still a student. Learning to skydiving takes repetition, go jump.

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Hi, I have experienced similar problem, although not that harsh lost of stability. While tracking upon separation with my instructor, I will not go straight but making visible turn which ultimately positioned me on 90 degree with my instructor. After seeing the video almost a hundred times afterwards I noticed that my rig is more to the right and not centered to by body. During the next jump I made it sure to properly fasten all belts, both legs straps and side belts until the rig fitted like a custom made (of course with the supervision and subsequent check by a instructor). Needless to say, during that jump everything was smooth and funny, the turns were 100% controlled, the tracking was perfect and everything was entirely under my own control. During my AFF I had difficulties to control my turns which now I think was due to the poorly fitting rig on my back.

The conclusion I reached for myself is when using students rig, to dedicate more time to try, fasten harness belts on the side, try again the rig until if feels OK. If you feel the rig a bit loosely fit or bigger than usual, this would inevitably result in reduced maneuverability and harder control in free fall.You can find some videos on youtube published from harness manufacturers where they explain how to put your rig. It may sound trivial but there is a bit more story here than just fasten your leg straps even and put the chest strap. Ultimately, ask your instructor. Put the rig with sufficient time before the load call and ask him what you should do to make it fit better to your body. If the harness is resizable and the yoke is not too big or small, you should be able to make if feel almost custom size.

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