
Cookie Composites MXV w/ cutaway TG1 vs HC9

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I am looking to purchase a nice camera helmet setup. I use fiber glass to make the helmets snag resistant with less drag as well. I prefer cookie composites as I have owned an MXV before with a cutaway and loved it.

I know a big difference between the two cameras is EIS and OIS image stabilization, the latter giving image quality some trouble during sitfly (is this only when mounted on the top?).

I do mostly freefall, sitfly, head down, stand, etc. I am familiar with the software from the AVCHD, and though it is more complicated than MiniDV, it gives very nice quality images. The light is not an issue because most of the jumps will be during daylight anyways.

The TG1 stick out about 2 and 1/2 inches while the HC9 box sticks out about 3 and 1/2 inches, both from the left side of the helmet (when you are wearing it).

The HC9 is also quite wide compared to the TG1.

Any other thoughts or considerations?

Cats land on their feet. Toast lands jellyside down. A cat glued to some jelly toast will hover in quantum indecision.

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I have looked at them and it isn't exactly what I am looking for. I am just curious as to which camera would best suit my sidemount. I will build the actual mount myself.
Cats land on their feet. Toast lands jellyside down. A cat glued to some jelly toast will hover in quantum indecision.

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