
CX-7 and x-shut questions

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Hi, I have several questions concerning the cx-7!

1. In your opinion: has the CX-7 proven to be reliable when you used it?

2. Is it possible to live- edit onto DVD at the DZ?

3. Is anyboby side mounting the cx-7, and what are your experiences?

4. Is anybody topmounting the cx-7, and using the fixed angle for both freefly and tandems- how is that working out for you?

5. I'm thinking about using a side mount and an xshut system, does anyone have experience with the 20° variable angle settings? Do they work out fine for filming freefly/tandems?

Feel free to tell me to use the "search" again in case I missed something..


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1. so far haven't heard of any problems besides the oldfashioned "is my camera recording" I got a few times, no lanc is a pain for now
2. yes but only using the vcr quality composit, a shame IMO for such a camera, editing on a pc is much much higher quality but takes longer than tape based HDV (HC5 etc), at least for now
3. too big esp. with the hdv resolution lens you want to use on it (raynox hd3030/hd3031 is what most are using here)
4. should work fine, however if you are a freeflyer with 150 jumps no tandemmaster should let you anywhere near him/her for a loooooooong time B|
5. no clue

ciel bleu,

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2. yes but only using the vcr quality composit, a shame IMO for such a camera, editing on a pc is much much higher quality but takes longer than tape based HDV (HC5 etc), at least for now

Now that Parachutist/Chris is on our DZ, I think he can verify for you that this isn't so. If you're using a Mac, then it's true, but if you're on a PC with Vegas, Edius, or SpeedEdit, you can actually edit from the card (although it's a little painful). dumping footage is significantly faster than capturing tape, rendering on a dual core machine brings it home fast.
Wow...using composite input on your analog system? Ouch. It's like putting a silver saddle on a jackass.:D

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