
Please learn from my stupidity!

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It refers to recovering from a stall by letting the toggles all the way up, then immediately bringing them about half way down. The canopy recovers from the stall, but by having the toggles half way down, it doesn't surge forward.

It must be called something else today, but I don't know what it would be. I'm an OLD guy.
I'm a jumper. Even though I don't always have money for jumps, and may not ever own a rig again, I'll always be a jumper.

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The girl was an ass. The other guy may not be aware that braked flight is one aspect of canopy control...it's part of the A-license requirements and is included in any decent canopy control class.


True Andy, but even more important is not doing something unexpected or unusual in the pattern, in most places a braked 'sinking' approach would be unusual.

If someone is behind you in a blind spot you're slowing down and 'coming up' at them.

Yep. And we may as well go ahead and mention S-turns as well. Not something we really want to do in traffic but it is a good skill to have for off-landings, though.

For the OP:
I agree with those who metioned "surge".

True story:
First time I intentionally stalled a canopy, an S&TA met me in the landing field.
He said, "You let up the toggles pretty quickly didn't you?"
I said (sheepishly), "Yes. How did you know?"
He said, "Because we could hear you screaming."

Nice toggle stall...canopy bow-tied...scared the holy hell out of me and I slapped dem toggles up like Chuck Norris. The canopy dove down in front and below me and I got a chance for a second scream when I saw the horizon over the tail, felt the lines go slack, felt the freefall and could only think that I was going to fall into the middle of the canopy and get wrapped up in it.

It's the only time I've EVER appreciated that hard snap as the spectra lines tightened up.

I learned: Don't DO dat!

Let 'em up gently.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Thanks for that input. I hadn't thought of the disruption of the norm by going to deep brakes aspect. Point taken! I know i made several mistakes. But believe my initial mistake of changing my thought preocess. And not takeing the out as soon as i realized i was going long. Put me in a bad position where my lack of experience/knowledge made me a hazzard to myself and others as well. Which is why i posted origianallly. Like i said i seriously considered calling it quits after that. And it wasn't because i was shook up because i could have hurt myself. or worse. (which i was) But because i had allowed myself to make such bad decisions! I've seen 2 people die in this sport and both were because of panic in emergencies. So i had to really ask myself if this was for me or not? I finally decieded that this was a one time incedent that i could learn from and move forward. I've allways been vary conservative and realize my limits. And was pleased with how i handled my one cut away in the past. So decieded to continue but learn from it. And hope i can help others to as well.

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Yeah i had some choice words for her and just wanted to pack my shit and leave. But now i don't have any hard feelings towards her. She was obviosly upset as well. But i think she could have handeled it better! Which is why i asked you more experienced people to let us know WHY what we did was stupid!

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I agree that (I don't have to take it) But am willing to if it's at least constructive! As for the guy who talked to me about rideing my brakes. That was a (talk) And i could see that he was visably upset allthough he didn't berate me. So i took what he said as an honest concern. And was glad he was concerned enough to talk to me! And decieded to listen to what he said and learn from it!

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"Assuming this WAS a surge --

Well -- is the old "double clutch" not taught any more???"

Huh? I used to double-clutch old trucks years ago. How would one do that to a canopy w/no clutch?

We called it by another old truck drivin' term...Pump The Brakes'...if you want to drop in vertically you do the 'double clutch' over & over, but as it never gets full forward speed the toggle distance used gets shorter and faster, until it's just constantly descending a hair above stall.

Takes practice and not something you want to do down low, for the first time.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Airborne you have gotten a lot of good advice from everyone here but I just wanted to cover a few things I don’t think were covered.
(1) “Having skipped my B license”

You do not have to obtain the B license but you do have to complete all of the requirements of the B license before moving on to your C license which effective 1/1/12 includes completion of the canopy piloting proficiency card

(2) “looked at the requirements and saw I had to make 25 landings within 10 meters”

The accuracy requirement for C license is within 2 meters of target on 25 jumps 10 meters is the B license requirement but only on 10 jumps

(3) “I can do S turns if there’s no traffic and land pretty close to where I want”

There is a reason they call it accuracy and there is a reason why you will notice the same people at the drop zone landing at almost the exact same location on every jump no matter which direction everyone is landing and no matter what the conditions of the day are…If you require an S turn or any large readjustment (mainly I am talking about when on final) in order to land on target then you were not accurate …Don’t cheat yourself and fall into the trap of just trying to get the signature and never truly learning the material or the skill

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Don’t cheat yourself and fall into the trap of just trying to get the signature and never truly learning the material or the skill

Thank you. My God, thank you.

Every youngster reading this thread...please take note of that.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I never had no intention of trying to cheat the requirements.
It would be easy enough to just pencil in if that was the intent.
But as i stated due to the (fact) that i don't get to jump very often. My skills will not increase as fast as they would if i was jumping on a more consistant basis.
And i do not have a home DZ but just jump where i get the chance.
So my focus has never been on accuracy. But just landing safely. I don't mind walking a bit!
Now i want to (start) focusing (more) on accuracy. But not at the expense of safety like i did on that jump!
Which is why i plan to upsize (and) take a canopy course.
And learn from my mistake and share it with others. And i believe my biggest mistake was ignoring my thought to take the out at alltitude.
And (go for it) Next time i'm not liking what i see. IM TAKING THE OUT!
When i can honestly and safely meet the reqiurments i'll get the license.

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Oh yeah and for S turns.
I bought my nieces husband his 1st tandem this summer at a small Cessna DZ.
So i just filled out the load. As it was only my my 3rd jump since getting current i went 1st and pulled at 4.
Watched the camera girl land and followed the tandem in from a good distance.
So there was no one else in the air besides the tandem way in front of me.
And it was my 1st jump on that rig. So i did S turns to land within a few feet of them.
But there's a world of difference between that and being somewhere like Eloy or Perris!
Like i said. I want to (start) focusing on being able to land where i want without doing S turns. Just want to do it safely!

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