
post your best shot

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Ok ya'll, where are all the pic's at from this last weekend.

I've been sitting in a hospital all week with my oldest son and REALLY, REALLY could use the pick me up. I won't be at the DZ this weekend, and not really sure when I will be back at the rate this is going...

So, common, post some pic's to help pick my spirits up a bit.

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A few of mine from last weekend...

Wingsuit with a little photoshop help. (it looks painted in full size)

Frost slides to a stop after a blindman... the rest of the swoop was too blurry.

Brotherly love on a 4-way team at breakoff.

Half way through Block 1.

Team Vortex on the hill. (not a great pic but I can't post 2 pics of another team and not at least one of my own team... :)

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exif data? Is that something embedded in the meta data of the picture? How does one read it?

20mm sounds encouraging as I have a Pentax and have the stock 18 to 55mm on it right now, sounds like I could hold off on buying a wide angle for a bit...

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The 5D is a full-frame digital camera, so 20mm has a much wider field of view on it than it will on a pentax. But 18 works fine anyway... not that wide, but that just means you need to fly farther away.

Exif is the metadata embedded in the image. I use an exif viewer firefox extension... just have to right click on a picture and hit "view exif data" to see all of the photographer's secrets... unless it's been stripped out. You can also save the picture and view the advanced properties in the windows picture viewer to see most of the same data.


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Thanks much, just added that to my firefox install and then went back to look at the pictures. How did I get along before firefox and cool tools like this. Thanks for posting this info, good stuff!!

For anybody else who would like to add this, here is a link, will save you all of 5 seconds, but hey... [;)

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Here my best (and for the moment only) shots.
I know still a lot to learn.
Sorry for the corners at the moment I prefer a safe low profile lens. Shots are made with Sony HC5 in 16:9 and waycool .25
Using your droque to gain stability is a bad habid.
Also in case you jump a sport rig!!!

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Took this over the weekend... I'll be darned if it isn't a huge flag... :o

Holy cow that's big!! :o:o What kind of event was that?
The jump was a practice jump... and only his second time jumping this particular flag... He did a great job landing in a relatively small area out in front of the hanger.

I don't know what events it has actually been jumped into.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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