
bulk mini-DV tapes?

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There may have already been a question like this, but I'm too lazy to search for it...

A few years back at my old dz I remember a few of the video guys buying mini-DV tapes in bulk, and the price came out to about $4each. I have recently started flying tandem video and am getting tired of spending $5-6 per blank tape...

Does anybody know if there is a way to order blank tapes in bulk?

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The people at tape resources are the shit!!! I got my order very fast and it was just what I was told. They also (depending on how many you buy) will sell you the tape racks very cheap!


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The tape racks rock huh? I've GOT to get a 10 case holder to take to the DZ this summer for my locker. Screw it right to the side and all my tapes will remain nice and organized all I want.
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I like them a lot. We ordered 80 tapes from them and they sent us 3 racks. It was great to have the real racks to put them in. I've been using a make shift rack for a while.


He who swoops the ditch and does not get out buys the BEER!!

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I like them a lot. We ordered 80 tapes from them and they sent us 3 racks. It was great to have the real racks to put them in. I've been using a make shift rack for a while.

Rack? I just use a plastic box. ;)


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Rack? I just use a plastic box. ;)


2 full Shoe box's for my storage so far, working on filling box three.

Interesting you should say 'shoe box' size. My plastic boxes are just that size, too. :^) 2 going on 3. Nice size.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Well me too wondered mini-DV in past days but through research I found that www.tape4backup.com is good place to shop mini-DV and other things like backup tapes and many more. I have experienced from that site site is good their prices are cheapest. So That’s mine experience you can also try it….

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I live 1.5 miles from a Costco.

They sell the Sony tapes (with the rack) 10 for $23.00 and they have them every time I go for them.

Sometimes they have a $5.00 off coupon. That's when I buy them.

No shipping cost is nice.
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