
How many DZs shoot digital Tandem photos?

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How many Dzs shoot all Didg tandem stills? Trying to find out if it is feasable to switch to all digital. We did 900 videos last year. Is digital a pain in the ars or the way of the future? Is it worth the large inital investment? I would like to hear from someone that uses digital where they personaly shoot six or more jumps per day on the weekend.

Thanks for your time,


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I had the same concerns last season. I bit the bullet, I bought a digi rebel, a really nice printer and all the other accesories. initial cost was about $1800.00. I made this back after about 200 videos.
the biggest advantage is the ability to print 8x10s immediately. I charged $20. for 1 print $30. for 2 prints. I guess I sold 85% of all the prints.
it is a bit more to do than handing your student a roll of film but I feel from a monetary standpoint it was well worth the initial investment.
it certainly depends on your video concession and how much you actually earn for this service. you will not be disappointed with the quality of digital photos.
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Myself, BSBD and Dagimp all shoot digital and burn a CD for the customer at Raeford. So far, so good. I think it was worth the investment, YMMV
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We are now exclusively digital at Byron. We (the camera fliers) don't dub our own, but the dubber slips the flash card and a blank cd into a writer and it copies the whole flash card onto the cd. It is awesome. The customer pays more for digital but then they don't have developing costs. Also, they typically get 70 - 100 shots vs 36. With the right equipment (the writers cost about $150) it is a very easy and very worthwhile transition.
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I just bought a 10D and am planning on trying to talk the DZ into digital for this summer for at least some of the work.

I'm not going to get into the printing right at the DZ to start with, but selling them the CD with the pictures for their own useage. I'm looking at getting one of those CF to CD burners and a 512 card just for tandems if the DZ goes for it. Land, burn 2 cds (1 for them, one for me) then clear the card and start over. Total time should be about 10 minutes to do that. I'll be making the video during that time. One thing I'm looking forward to is the ability to take the pictures and try to push a post jump sale to those that were on the fence before the jump. Show them a pic or two on the TV screen and try and get them to buy the CD. If I can do that a few dozen times this summer the camera will be half paid off alone in those sales.
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Chicagoland is going all-digital this year.

Since it's still "winter" up here, I'm not sure exactly how they plan on doing it. I suspect they'll hand a CD to the student imediately after the jump. Not sure if they plan on selling prints on-site.


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Myself, BSBD and Dagimp all shoot digital and burn a CD for the customer at Raeford. So far, so good. I think it was worth the investment, YMMV

how much do you charge for a CD ??
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We are shooting both digital and 35mm at our DZ, it depends on the photographer. The charge to the student is the same, $20.00. I'm using a Digital Rebel also and just burn them a CD instead of handing them a roll of film. I also shoot stills on every skydive whether they buy or not and offer them on my Shutterfly account. I made more than enough to pay for it last year, I'd estimate that about half that didn't buy at the DZ ordered something off of Shutterfly. I really wish we were all digital and could find an effective way to offer prints on the DZ.

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I am very embarrassed to say $10.00, $5 for the jumper $5 for the company. :(

This is on top of our per-jump pay of $30.

not sure to understand... is it a 10$ supplement on the normal photo price ??
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