
RW bigways/sequentials/events in December or January?

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So I'd like to try and find one other event to go to in December or within the first TWO weeks of January before tax season hits and I'm back to working 55-65 hours. So far I'm only aware of the Spaceland sequential January 10-11th. The smaller events like this aren't listed on bigways.com(oops-okay so that event is indeed listed). I can't afford Ecuador in December though. Anything else going on?

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If you can somehow postpone things till late Jan, I am told California State Record will become open for registration shortly.

Within your time period, ZHills has their Xmas boogie, they have many 20-ways too to keep your bigway skills fresh. (I may be making a side trip, as I'm going to be near Tampa)

I'm going to the Texas Winter Bigway Camp in early November.

(P.S. I fly in IAH @ 11pm Tues Nov 4. I'm looking to split costs of car rental or pay your gas. PM me.)

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Perris just sent out a newsletteer via E-mail with the following in your time frame:

Holiday Boogie
December 27 - January 4
The party will start just after Christmas and go right through New Years 2009!! For the FS jumpers Dan BC, members of Perris Fury, Mark, Darryl and Bob will be doing loose organizing throughout the week as well as planned events on particular days. Travis Fienhage has also put together a lot of fun plans for the Freeflyers!!
$25 jumps all week!!

Power Play Warm-ups
Dec 26-27
This event is ideal for enthusiasts of more advanced mid-sized jumps like those found in the P3 Power Play in July. If you are working on your skills so you can achieve a Power Play invitation, this event is a perfect opportunity. Those who are Power Play veterans will enjoy the opportunity to keep their skills fresh and participate in some fun and challenging dives. Contact Dan BC at DanChenfld@aol.com for more information and to see if this event is a fit for you.

Mark and Darryl Big Ways December 28
mark@hydrasystems.com http://www.skydiveperris.com/calendar/RWcamp1208.asp
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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link was active Friday night. This one will fill up fast.

Jim, registration is available either through Jen or through bigways.com. Is one preferred over the other by the organizers?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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this ain't POPs, you won't be the youngest there.....can you deal with that? LOL!!!

see you at CSR, I'm heading to the AirSpeed camp so withdrew my application for TSR.....can't do it all! (ego assumes I would have been invited!)
See you in January, be safe.

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TSR for me as well. I would love to do the CA event but we have a Guy Wright 36 (or more) way event in Spaceland the weekend of Jan 10/11 -- so I can't schwing that and CA since they are soo close.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Spaceland 60-ways this weekend .. woohoo..


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Just back almost 30 bigway jumps in Spaceland, including some 30-ways and 60-ways!

But don't think I'm in CSR -- I'm still a longshot after having only done my first 100-ways in September. Wish I could join that one! Maybe in 2010, or Men's World Record, as I plan to attend both May/Sept 2009 Perris 100-way camps...

I'll be at the ZHills 40-way invitationals (Xmas boogie at Skydive City Dec 27-30) and 2 hours at a December tunnel camp at SVNH.

(Perris Big Way Camp regulars will recognize me as the deaf Canadian.)

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