
Fast fall rate/legturns

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My fall rate is anywhere from 126-174mph. The thing is that I am not exactly sure what I am doing to obtain those speeds. I have a super huge tony suit with swoop cords, booties, and afterburners. The swoop cords feel like emergency brakes after going delta down to someone to slow down which is good, but not so much keeping level with them once I get there. So far I have tried using the swoop cords only with it being tight and loose. The way I used them was spreading out flat as can be, and straightening my arms and legs straight out. That slowed me down, but I had little direction control. The other way I have tried is normal leg position, flat belly and really cupped shoulders and kept head down. I could really feel the deceleration and the wind noise gets quieter in this position. What I need verification on is that if I pick my head up to look around that "spills the air'' causing me to fall faster right. So the problem around this is to turn 90 degrees and look sideways for my target correct? The other thing is that if I use me shoulders to turn it will do the similar thing, so the correct thing to do is use leg turns. I like leg turns b/c I can keep my arms in a still position for docking and use my feet to turn and drive. I seem to be more of a leg person anyways. People tell me that when I deploy they have seen me start to turn a bit and use my legs to stop it. I do this without realizing it, just comes naturally to me possibly after years of SCUBA diving. Any corrections or tips are greatly appreciated. It is getting better, but if I don't get this licked no one will want to jump with me, and I will be forced to go belly to earth with freefliers!

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How much do you way man. 174 MPH is pretty fucking fast on your Belly.

I think he's normal - 3 feet 7 inches tall, 423 lbs, large skull

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Well, it sounds to me like you got a pretty good grasp of the situation. Especially with respect to
what a pain in the ass it is to constantly be struggling at the slowest end of your fall rate envelope just to stay up with a group. It makes it
tough. Just keep skydiving and shuckin weight and
you'll be fine. Try not to get impatient.

**You want a toe? I can get you a toe, dude.**

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He's right, at 16 jumps (and even 100 for some especially extreme high or low weight) fall rate takes a long time to dial in. But only those that don't care won't eventually get comfortable with it.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I was 325 now I am 270 on my way down to 225:)

Don't jump with Roger Ponce then.

We were down to 103 by the time I docked on the 100 ways at Crosskeys last week.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Don't worry too much, i'm a heavy guy too and i'm just now really starting to learn to control my fall rate. I'm just now able to get back up to formations if i fall low. it'll come in time, just have patience.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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I am still working on body position and the swoop cords/booties on that damn tony suit:D.
here are the numbers since i got a neptune. It shows that I am getting better at slowing

Jump#/Average fall rate(mph)
21/-34 Log messed up on that 14k HNP
Total average is 139 mph.
last 5 average 132 mph.[:/]

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