
42 pointer is on NSL TV.....

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Wow. I can't wait to see a high-rez version of this because it's pretty difficult to tell if it's all there.

But DAMN that's sweet!

I guess ya gotta hide the count from the judges if you're going for every last nanosecond. That was such a weird beginning. Exiting right-side no less!
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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ummmmmm aren't you suppose have sombody take grips on your legs to have the point complete? I realize i am probly wrong but i was just looking for sombody to clear that up for me
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Hi Viking-

The only formation that they would've done in this particular dive sequence (B-F-L-A-N) that didn't require a leg grip of some sort (be it via side body or cat grip) would be the random formation "F" -the open accordian. The other formations will have at least one person picking up a leg grip. Let me clarify that by saying that a sidebody grip (such as in the random formation "P" where everyone has a sidebody grip) still has each person with one arm grip and one leg grip. If you'd like to see the pictures for this, I think you can go to omniskore.com and look for the dive pool. Hope this helps. :)


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>This is what i thought a point should look like.

Yes. That's what a "Meeker(E)" should look like. That formation was not on this jump. See the attachment for the formations of the jump.

>but please post up the pic to help me understand.

Here you go!

I don't know how much you know about FS, but a few things:

In order to score points, the following things must happen:
-All the grips of the first formation must be there simultaneously.
-All the grips have to be released simultaneously. Meaning they have to "be in a released state", not that the letting go needs to happen on the same nanosecond
-All the grips of the second formation must be there simultaneously.

Also, the formations rarely look like the ones on paper, take "Caterpillar"(as seen on Block 15), for example. On paper it looks like it should be a straight line, but few teams build it that way. More often it's built curved. Only the grips matter!. It doesn't matter even if one of the jumpers is flying on his back, as long as the grips are correct, and they can be seen on the video.

Hope this helps.

(edited for grammar)


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This is what i thought a point should look like.

but please post up the pic to help me understand.

Here's a pic of my team, Rebellion, with (F) Open Accordian

Hope this helps,

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Lori -- you guys made the name change eh? ;)

Viking -- there are 48 different formations in the official dive pool. many combinations of arm and leg grips. As was stated earlier, you have to have the formation (but it may not look like the "official pool picture") show control and key all at the same time.

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Also, the formations rarely look like the ones on paper, take "Caterpillar"(as seen on Block 15), for example. On paper it looks like it should be a straight line, but few teams build it that way. More often it's built curved. Only the grips matter!.

Another good example of this is the Hammer (13). Shannon Pilcher explains the straight vs. curved hammer on 4way.org: http://4way.org/training/answers.htm#13

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