
Tell me about your jumps...5/12

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Tried a 4 way from a 182, but that funelled on exit - I spent about 5 - 10 seconds trying to get stable (it was crazy), and when 2 of us got back together, another jumper tried to dock and took us out again !! Mad jump, had loads of fun on that one.
When I grow up, I want to be a post whore

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I don't know the names of some of the points we had but we did have several 4-6 point 10-12 ways this past weekend out of a King Air. We did had some difficult points to build too. Almost all the jumps we designed had 4-5 point finishing with a BFR "Big Fu*king Round"..........

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I only got 2 this weekend, due to winds. It's been windy just about every day here since March (I mean, 20-30 mph!)
they were both 3-ways out of our 182. One was a superpositioning drill (open accordians with the end person flying around to the other end), which in and of itself is no biggie, except that I jumped with Jimmy Olander, the guitarist from the group Diamond Rio (they're a pretty popular country group). He was really cool...has about 600 jumps, and he tries to do radio promos at local DZ's wherever they tour. Basically, he has the local country station hold a contest, and buys the winner and the DJ a tandem. Then he goes and jumps with the winner. It's really great exposure for local DZ's and the sport! Too bad the tandems were winded out.
The second one was just some 3-way randoms, and it went really well. 11 points or so (from 10000 ft), which is great considering one of the folks was a low-timer. He was really psyched when we landed.
No jumping for me next weekend...I'm going to New York City...

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Did a bunch of jumps over the week, mostly 8 way. Made it back to Houston for most of the weekend. Boy, the winds were outrageous. Still managed to get in some fun jumps though.
Cool stuff: Launched a donut (intact) out of an Otter with some people who didn't think it could be done with the experience level in the group.
Other cool stuff: Lauched a meeker with me compressed on the tail person. One of those other things that "could'nt be done with the experience level" bets. One of my team mates does those weird, crawling out backwards on exit at the tail position a lot, I always wondered how it worked. Now I know!!
Coolest thing: My wife's pregnant!! (Now I'm really going to be poor)

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We were winded out on Sat. and managed to only get one load up Sunday morning, but even on that load, we hit heavy clouds at about 7-8k.....launched a six way, but only a couple points out of it. :(
"My eyes are dry and my hands are clean
and I can't believe all the things I've seen"
-- Blind Melon

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8 wonderful belly jumps this weekend. some 4way, not with a team but with the same people, and it never hurts when one of 'em is from Seb XL (one guy was callign piver-viper viper-schniper, i was rolling laughing)... then did some 5way which was actually really cool. we modified the 4way dive pools and made things like "tumored sattelite" and the "anti-phalanx"- turned some sweet blocks.
had one really sweet landing (all were nice but one exceptional one), almost a 180 onto final, really steep and planed out beautifully.... right in the peas. i'm going to start to demo new mains soon for my new rig.

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Took my girlfriend and her mom for their first jump since it was mother's day. Got out at 14,000 and chased. I flew on my back on purpose this time (case of beer!) when I was about 500 feet below her hoping that she'll see me waving back. The perma-grin on their faces have got to be the hi-light for the week. Got home and viewed their videos over and over.

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10 team jumps, 1 sunset FF (oops, this is the RW section... ok to mention the dark side here?!?)... oh yea, and 1 case of beer (beer line miscalculation on jump #1)
I'm on a newly formed AA team, so we're still working out the basics... like those 14 exits (they launch great, but just as we break the cheaters and go for the block, levels get funky). Love launching 13 and that block turns really sweet on the hill! We were all so calm and smiling... it's amazing how much that makes a difference (... in skydiving as in life ;o). Really looking forward to MASL Meet #1 this coming weekend!... Hope the weather holds.

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Tid 1 tandem. Then I was on couple of x00 jumps. Filmed a student. And...
We had a great 5 pt training jump with 4way team. 5 points was a great deal, everybody in the formation is quite inexperienced. Actually it was a first jump for the team when it actually looked like 4way :).
I promised to buy a round of beer, if they show me a Donut in freefall, they did it twice. I guess that means two rounds.
The 5.2Mb video is at:

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I did the requisite three crossover jumps to get my Strong Tandem Rating on Saturday. I made the jumps at The Skydiving Place in St. Pauls, NC. All were beautiful, and I came home with the rating. This coming weekend I am taking two of my best friends up on their first tandems (using the Sigma rating this time). :)

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Actually it was a first jump for the team when it actually looked like 4way :).

I understand what a cool feeling that is. There is just some electricity about 4 way, and wheather it's 20 points or 5, you can't help feeling the emotion.
Keep us posted on your progress.
Fly your slot!

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Ok I know this is way way late, but I haven't had computer access in like a week. Anyway, did a tracking dive with hooknswoop to see who could track the farthest and flatest......Ummm...guess who one. :D Nope it wasn't Mr. super tracker......that's right....I kicked his butt!!!! *happy dance*

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Keep us posted on your progress.

Well I have no updates this weekend. Too much wind :(.
I even have nothing to write to that new thread about last weekend.
We were just trying to find a lost freebag of our girls who had a reserve ride on 11th of May that I forgot to tell you about last week.
Well... more weekends to come.

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Well, since I just read this post, I will say that this weekend it piss-rained 90 percent of Saturday, then I got saddled with seven tandems yesterday (with me packing due to lack of help on the DZ). John (slotperfect) was also busy hauling meat all day. Meanwhile, my wife was down at the CSL meet in Chester competing in the open class. Her all-female team finished third in handicap open. They travel to another meet this weekend at CPI in Connecticut.
The weekend before, I was down at the swoop meet at ASC. I made 15 jumps and had a blast.
Next weekend I will either be working/coaching at Raeford, or at the Skydive Coastal Carolinas beach boogie in the Raeford Express Super Otter (Bravo Sierra). I plan on doing big-way sequential stuff and flying my wingsuit alot.
My webpage HERE

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Made a few jumps at the big-way camp in Arizona before I had to fly home for a funeral. The dives were a lot of fun - 40 then 60 ways, with some really good flying (and a bit of not-so-good flying.) I ended up in the base on three of them right across from Kate, and that was fun, sticking my tounge out at her and giving keys for the 60-way. Had one first that weekend - Julie was singing Janis Joplin songs to me while I was packing. It was nice.
-bill von

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