
Helmet Advice

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Can someone give me some advice on a good RW helmet? I think that I'd prefer a full face....(since I have to wear my glasses when I jump). I've got 35 jumps so far and am currently doing a lot of two and three ways with the intent of doing 4 ways soon. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
"My eyes are dry and my hands are clean
and I can't believe all the things I've seen"
-- Blind Melon

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Try a few helmets on at the local DZ and see what fits with your glasses under them.
I wear sunglasses often under my Z1 with no problem as long as the sunglasses are low profile. Mikie wears his glasses under his A3 with no problem either.
Isn't there a gear review area here? Check from the home page.
Funny, Me talking about helmets...the irony
Fly your slot!

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Your regular glasses may not fit under most full face helmets. I'm still looking for a pair that will work in my Z-1. So far I haven't found any. It depends on the shape of your head, face, profile of your glasses, etc. People say I should go to contacts, but I don't know if I'm tough enough to stick something in my eyes like that. Steve

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Thanks for the suggestions.
My glasses are pretty small (kinda like John Lennon's wire frame ones), so hopefully I can find something that will accomodate. Currently, I wear them under my Kroops goggles, but it just isn't too comfortable.
"My eyes are dry and my hands are clean
and I can't believe all the things I've seen"
-- Blind Melon

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It seems like I'm always pimping these guys on the forums, but SportRX makes really nice prescription goggles. I've only put about 20 jumps on mine, but they work great. I've seen a few jumpers wearing a fullface with the lense off and goggles. Might be a solution.

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A friend of mine wears Sport RX goggles under the visor of his Z-1 because his glasses won't fit. I thought about trying this, but I'm wondering if they might fog up when the visor is down. I know they work well for my friend. Steve

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go to square one's website, and look at the bonehead "havok" i've bought one, and absolutely love it! you can wear your prescription lenses with it, two internal audible ports, two external audible ports, for the right price! ;) see attached jpeg. :)Richard
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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I don't recoment the Z1.... They're crap, they call apart and need constant fixing. Fortunately most reputable gear dealers don't sell them, so you should be OK.
Personally I like the Oxygen...
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I have a friend that wears his glasses with his Z1, he has small frame. I once had to wear glasses that had big ugly frame and the Z1 didn't fit. Have another friend that uses prescription glasses with the Z1 (the one I tried to use). Its all about the frame size.
Go to a store and try the helmets with your glasses, you might find one that fits.
Hey contacts are cool, but the operation is much better!
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In contrast to Andy's comments, I like the Z1. I have one, now 4 years old,, and an OXYGN too (note - no E in the name).
The Z1's primary problem is that the "collar" fabric comes detached fairly easily, but it can be stuck back in place easily (and permanently) too, with Shoe Goo or similar.
The OXYGN's visor doesn't get out of the way at all well, and the latching mechanism is crummy (which is why you see so many of them with the visor removed, I suppose). It is also harder to remove and replace the OXYGN visor, or to clean it, and you really can't open and close it without getting your fingers on the transparent stuff. The Z1's frame allows you easily to avoid finger marks on the visor itself.
Comfort is a function of the shape of your head, I suppose. I find both the Z1 and OXYGN comfortable, but the Z1 has a slight edge.
I think the OXYGN's shell is a bit more robust. I'd wear the OXYGN for serious "combat" RW.

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Fortunately most reputable gear dealers don't sell them, so you should be OK.

Andy, that's bull. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the helmet, but I don't know if that's a reason to malign dealers who carry them -- including Skykat, Sunshine Factory, Para-Gear and Para-Service, ALL of whom I would describe as reputable.
Anyway, I have a Z1 that I use for RW and lately for FF, and I love it. Fits great, sturdy construction. So there.

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Andy, that's bull. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with the helmet, but I don't know if that's a reason to malign dealers who carry them -- including Skykat, Sunshine Factory, Para-Gear and Para-Service, ALL of whom I would describe as reputable.

Square 1,2, and 3 doesn't. Chicagoland won't sell one. I don't believe Aerohio does anymore, either.
Para-Servica and Para-Gear literally sell EVERYTHING. I'm not surprised they carry them. I suppose there's value in having a complete offering. I prefer retailers who sell product they recomend, though.
Maybe that was harsh on the others, I dunno. I've not had experiences with them.
I have had experiences with Parasport Italia, and I'll say again that their customer support is the worst in skydiving, and their products have major design flaws, including delaminating paint(second week), lenses falling off (3rd jump), neck liner falling out (20th jump), visor lock failure (4 weeks), and chin straps failing(31st jump). My Z1 has been the most labor intensive piece of skydiving gear I've purchased. It CONSTANTLY requires repair. And yes, during this time it was stored properly in a protective felt bag.
ICQ: 5578907
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I use an Oxygn A3... it doesn't have the latch described in one of the posts. I had to wear glasses w/ it once when I lost a contact (not while skydiving) and it was ok... a little pressure on the nose from contact w/ the visor, but I have wider plastic frames. Changing visors is a no-brainer (you just need a really tiny hex wrench)... and I should know, I've changed four times or so in the past year and a half because it took me a while (and +$30 a pop) to learn the value of a padded helmet case (doh!). The rubber piping at the top does have a tendency to wear and lose its adhesion to the plexi... two things: you can superglue it back on... and, to deter that in the first place (yea, it took me a while to learn this trick, too, dohdoh!), spray a litte silicone on the top piping and voila, it opens/closes nicely/easily and preserves wear on the piping.
Factory Diver suggests that you try on the glasses w/ their helmet to make sure it fits. I have a friend who wears a shaped eyeglass frame under his w/ no problem.
You might contact SkySystems (they put out Oxygn, Factory Diver, NVertigo...) and ask their advice.
Take care of that noggin :o)

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If your glasses are on the smaller side they should fit in a Z1, Wesley, my 2-way buddy has small glasses and has no problem what so ever wearing them in his Z1.
Propably factory diver -or other fixed visor helmets- will be more difficult, hope to be of any help.
Will jump for beer, bs AiRpollUtiOn

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I have watched HUNDREDS of hours of wind tunnel time stacked up against Z1's... The only problems I have seen are jumper induced.
ie... the latch wasnt completly shut, the chin strap wasnt completely fastened etc
If Z1's where as bad as people say they are, they would have gone the way of the Edsel. I can buy a Z1 and lots of beer for the same price as a skysystems helmet...
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I have a factory diver that I wear low profile sunglasses with and have no problem, but they have to be very low profile. On occasion I wear my glasses (the small "John Lennon" ones someone mentioned earlier) under them but they hit the helmet lens and scratch where the glasses hinge. I like my factory diver but my next helmet will have a flip up visor for cold weather conditions when fogging is an issue.

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I thought I was the only one to do that- Exit without closing my Z-1 - And you're right- I may could have done the whole jump without it closed- ! I personally love my Z-1, and have had no problem with the fabric coming off ir anything - at least not yet- I wear low-profile sunglasses under it, and it's no sweat- Opening it under canopy is easy - Sorry you guys have had problems, mine's been good to me and lots of folks up here like 'em too!

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