
4 Way Competition handicap

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We are organising a 4 way competition for inexperienced teams i.e. jumpers mostly with < 200 jumps.
I have looked at a few web sites and handicap systems that are used elsewhere. We have come up with our own handicap system based on jump numbers, we award extra points for the lesser experienced teams.
But there is a difference of opinion over whether a handicap (the extra points) should be applied when a team scores a zero (either no scoring formations or just busted back to zero - s... happens sometimes)
Some organisers believe that the extra points should not be awarded if a team scores a zero. I believe a handicap is a handicap is a handicap and should be applied regardless of performance on a jump, otherwise the VERY inexperienced teams cannot be competitive. And YES I expect to see a few zeroes during this comp.
I would be interested in hearing other opinions.

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The handicapping system used for NSL is a multiplier and is the defacto standard for 4-way handicap meets. See THIS.
Since anything multiplied by zero equals zero, you need to score at least one point.
Obviously, if you're oganizing your own meet that has nothing to do with the rest of the 4-way world, then you can make up whatever system you want. For instance, we just had a 5-way meet at Perris called the "Peckerhead Meat" in which bribery is encouraged. ;^)

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there was a certain 8 way team year before last that, bceause of busts, scored 0 on every dive (they'd get a point, but have it reversed cause of a bust), the last jump they held the first point for the entire skydive - got a 16 on that one!!! The NSL' snew handicap system is pretty good.

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