
Can you share your Flysight swoop data?

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here 2 450s, valkyrie 71 @ 2.7wl. all harnessturns, no fonts.

450 1: high crosswind/downwind, setup too far out/ too close. had to fix it in the recovery (looks like a speedrun but it's not). the swoop was not perfect, but the vertical dive speed diagramm and the dive angle shows exactly what i am aiming for for a good turn. finished a bit high but strong because i was a bit off with the turn-placement and had to make the gates.

450 2: slight downwind, good placement, finished again a bit high but not so strong as #1 (clearly visible in the vertical speed when you overlay both).

hope this helps, i can post more if you want.

450 1.CSV

450 2.CSV

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Thanks for sharing, nice turns!

I've played with harness only VS double fronts turns a bit, but I only applied toggle surge on double fronts turns and went from full flight on harness only. If I read it right, you got +4mph on your max vert mostly by doing a stronger toggle surge and staying a couple seconds longer going straight on the top. (12 seconds turn instead of 10 seconds turn)

The main thing I can tell that is different from my 450's is that my turn rate is faster after the first 90'. Last time I got coaching I was told to try to make the second 90' faster and slow it down again for the third 90, but I think I'm overdoing it given the numbers. I'll focus on keeping my turn rate below 50 (measured on gswoop) until the final snap, seems to be working well both for you and a local jumper.

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Leia 73, WL around 2,6 or so.

Distance run with a fair bit of downwind. No front risers, going for the same as kh286 with the constant increase in vertical speed (not the best in this one). Correcting a bit in the beginning causing the dip there but after that getting a good consistant line in dive angle maxing out at right around 90°.
3 second recovery and 12 seconds for the turn is what i feel works well with the leia doing a 450.

Can link you to a outside video if you pm me and are interested.

450 leia.CSV

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This weekend I put some work on my turn, only using fronts for the first 90 now. I planned out high on this one, but the curves (speed, dive angle etc) are pretty close to what I am aiming for. I'm flying an Airwolf 75 ~2.6 WL and 11-12 seconds also seems like the sweet spot. Now that I'm mostly happy with the shape I'll fine tune the initial altitude.

It's interesting how you keep the vertical speed constant, even increasing a bit, after you finished your snap. My vertical speed starts dropping as soon as I finish my snap.


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