
The step up in performance of the latest generation of HP canopies.

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This is probably going to be a little subjective and the question really is a curiosity on my behalf as I have no intention of replacing my current canopy.

But in general terms how have the latest generation of canopies improved over the previous top dogs in the HP category.

For example does the NZ Leia open significantly better than the JVX and roughly how much better does it perform with regards to speed generated and distance etc.
The same question can be applied to Velo/VC vs VK and it would be great to hear from folks who have made the transition without changing WL/size.

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I have a VE and VK of the same size. Some things are really familiar, but the significant changes I've found-

Openings- Very different. Less shake, more on heading, shorter snivle, less of the mushy transition between the slider being up and coming down.

Turns- More sensitive to all turn inputs. Very "rolly" into the turns.

Landing- Way way way more power on the rears. You can stay on them much longer than on the velo, and then still have more power to shut it down on toggles.

Speed- On bigger turns it is noticeable on on how much more speed it will generate. on smaller ones, and general flight, seems similar.

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You know...it is hard to say.

Disclaimer- I'm not a competitive swooper, I load on the lighter side of the chart, and my "big turn" is a 270. So feedback from the heavy hitters might be different.

When I first got the wing I would have said yes, the recovery is shorter. Now... I'm not so sure.

The issue for me was I do pretty slow carving turns from higher altitudes than most do at my wing loading. I found the velo was really easy for me to tune the dive by slowing the rotation to keep it diving if I was a little high. When I got on the VK, it took me until this weekend (maybe 40 jumps?) to start to figure out the technique to do the same on the VK. Otherwise I was having trouble slowing the rotation...thus starting the recovery sooner...thus it felt like it had a shorter arc.

I'm not sure if any of that makes sense...... but for now I'd say the recovery is really similar, but the VE can be "tuned" a little more easily than the VK. Once you get them dialed in...things are similar. At least... for the way I fly.

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I went from a VC-79 to a VK-75.

The VK compared to the VC

Much better openings.

More overall lift, even though smaller size. It's not groundbreaking like with the Peregrine but there is more. How much more - hard to tell. I am not flying it efficiently yet.

It shuts down extremely well.

Flies longer after you've transitioned to toggles.

Much more willing to roll into a turn. I felt I had to force the VC to do what I wanted - with the VK I can be much more subtle and and I feel I have more control. I feel this is the biggest advantage - it is much more controllable.

It's more prone to 'wobbling' from side to side if you're not smooth on your input. Mostly noticeable on poor water touches or on distance runs.

If you do a lazy turn, the rears go all soft and there's nothing there. Get good power and there's a lot.

Higher maximum vertical velocity. Should translate into higher horizontal velocity. I'm still getting used to the canopy so am not converting it efficiently yet.

The lines wear extremely fast. I only did around 100 jumps on 300s and then they were worn out. Some attribute it to the slider rubbing on the lines just above the slinks. I grab the slider as quickly as possibly but the lines were toast after just under 100 jumps.

Getting it relined is more expensive than for a Peregrine for some reason. Same as the VC, but you have to do it almost twice as often.

As far as rollout altitude - not sure. I got the VK after the winter break and eased into it, so cannot tell compared to the VC. I guess I could do some VC jumps and find out now.

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Thanks guys for the replies and it's great to hear that the openings are more pleasing over previous x-braces at least with regards to PD velocity/valkyrie comparisons as opening characteristics have always been an area of discussion and with regards to myself openings play an important part in my decision making process when it comes to canopy selection.

Also it appears that the flight range appears to have been improved and I think this is supported by the distances being achieved by the pilots during the swoop phase, though is this down to additional speed generated in the dive or the shape of the wing being more efficient possibly a combination of the two.

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