
Katana vs Neos

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Hi everybody,

comparison between those two canopies

I made several hundred jumps on Katanas
fell in love with the long recovery arch, the light frontriser pressure and the power on the rears.
Also made a good handfull with some crossfires and didn't like them at all. Not even close in swooping power to the Katana

Today I got offered a pretty good deal on a nearly new Neos.
Before I testjump the neos (first (semi)crossbrazed for me) what do I have to expect? How do these two compare?

Anybody that jumped both?

thanks in advance

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I haven't jumped a Neos, but if you're ready to move up from the Katana, the move to an appropriately sized Velocity is an easy transition.
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Neos opens very hard once or twice within 1000 jumps.

I've never flown it but I've heard that they drop out of sky with not much rear riser authority.

If you are jumping Neos than might as well just jump a Velocity.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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Jumped both, didn't like the Neos because of the hard openings,
It's made by Icarus Spain and not NZA,
I'd recommend a JFX instead
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Its more like a katana than an xfire. The neos actually has a suprisingly steep trim for an icarus canopy.

I only made a few jumps, but the openings were sketchy and personally I couldnt accept those types of openings from my canopy.

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How were the rears?

I've heard great things about its openings. Besides the extreme hard opening once or twice per 1000 jumps.

Cant really tell much about the rears. I didnt really know what to expect from this canopy + harness and only wanted to try it out, so I wanted to go with the brakes to play it safe. Took the initiation altitude quite a bit higher than I would with a crossfire2 or a Xaos at the same WL and felt like I was right on the money. IMO it flew more like a velocity.

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Just be careful the early Neos had horrible hard openings (I got slammed very hard 8 out of 10 openings), that was apparently fixed with a new lineset with trim changes. There should be a thread about it here.

I would test jump the canopy before, so you are happy with the openings.


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I know three people who jumped Neos over 100+ times. They never had bad opening. Except one person. He jumped it over 1000 times, but that one bad opening put him out of skydiving for two, three weeks. I just thought that it was normal for 1 hard opening out of 1000.

But I've never seen the canopy really swoop at that much. They dive and make the noise but they don't really go all that far.

Just from outside observation.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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