
Swooping the pond solo?

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Thus far whenever I've been even remotely close to a pond I'm with a group doing canopy piloting training and there's always been people around. I was talking to a coworker today and trying to explain swooping and the pond to them and why the pond exists when they asked a very interesting question: what happens if you hit and you're by yourself? My quick response was "when ive done it, theres always someone on the ground", but what about people who dont? Is it an unwritten rule that if you're swooping a pond there's someone on the ground in case you hit, go unconcious, and go under?

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But unconscious on the ground is not as much of an emergency as unconscious on the bottom of a pond. I have seen someone lying on the bottom of the pond while their canopy floats above them and believe me, you know the clock is ticking.

In answer to the OP, having someone there to act as safety staff is just common sense should the unforeseen happen.
"The ground does not care who you are. It will always be tougher than the human behind the controls."

~ CanuckInUSA

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