
X-fire 129 down to a x-fire 119

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Should be faster. It will probably dive a little longer and pack up smaller too. Might even be lighter than the 129.

All sillyness aside, if you did put 300 on a 129 and feel good about your progress and abilites with the 129, the 119 shouldn't be a big deal. It's not much of a downsize if you really think about it.

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I went from a Safire 2 132 to a crossfire 2 119, i loved the XF2. I bought a second one for my back up rig and put about 700 jumps on them. The XF2 was light on the rears and shut down nicely (WL 1.6/7). I loved the openings, and team training on it left me without any aches and pains.

I didn't really notice a marked difference in performance at my home DZ in England (cold and approx 400ft AMSL) but in the states at Elsinore i added 50ft onto my set up to take into account of the altitude difference. I still have my 119, but now jump a Katana 107 (openings not as soft generally) but i seriously recommend trying one! ;)

At long last the light at the end of the tunell isnt an on coming train!!!

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