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Thanks for putiing this post out there. I have about 400 speedriding flights. almost all of them at high alt in the french alps not just short hill flights. Speed ride canopies will save your life they actualy recover when stalled. a skydiving canopy will but most likely you will hit the ground before it reopens. This is speeking from experiens. With a skydiving canopy when your nose roles under your done for. I usualy fly in the winter so am still alve due to having snow to land in and skis to slide on. Now that speedriding canopies have been around a bit you can get a used one quite cheap. The right tool for the job.

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Why don't they make skydiving canopies that recover as fast?

And, you say that GL canopies have better glided as well? Isn't the idea of a swooping canopy to have a great glide? Why would a swooping canopy have a worse glide?

Does it have to do with not being able to due to the extra construction necessary to withstand deployment?

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Why don't they make skydiving canopies that recover as fast?

And, you say that GL canopies have better glided as well? Isn't the idea of a swooping canopy to have a great glide? Why would a swooping canopy have a worse glide?

Does it have to do with not being able to due to the extra construction necessary to withstand deployment?

I'm no canopy designer, but if you compare a skydiving canopy with a speed canopy two things are pretty obvious. The speed flying canopy is not reinforced, making it ligher and the noose of it is constructed with stiffer materials to keep it open. But make it easier to start, but I would also imagine that they both help to make it recover.

As for a swwoping canopy having a worse glide, I think part of that is to make it easier to fly fast and have a long recovery arc.

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Why don't they make skydiving canopies that recover as fast?

And, you say that GL canopies have better glided as well? Isn't the idea of a swooping canopy to have a great glide? Why would a swooping canopy have a worse glide?

Does it have to do with not being able to due to the extra construction necessary to withstand deployment?

not all speed gliders have fast recovery arcs. some behave very much like "swooping" canopies.

the aerodynamics of canopies is pretty complex. the factors that go into glide ratio, secondary stability, recovery arcs etc. are vast.


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