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I had to sign in on the main page and then sign in again on the forum page....but now it wont even let me do that. it will let me sign in to check email but wont let me sign into the forums and it says I have the wrong pass word. but I don password look up and I know for sure I am typing it in....ah this new version is fucking with us...

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My computer has been off line about 2 weeks, I've missed you guys soooooo much, now I can't even talk to you any more. I've also noticed that the site has changed, what's going on?
Please help!!!!!!!!!

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if someone doesnt help me out...im outta here. jtval

Hang in there, bud, we'll get this figured out!
Try the following, assuming you are using IE on Windows. Some of this is likely superfluous, but who cares:
- If you are logged into the main page of dz.com, click on the "myDROPZONE" link in the upper right. If you get the main panel, click on "Log Off". If not, don't worry about it.
- Go to the Forums
- If the "Logout" link is active, click it. If not (you will see "Login", "New User"), move on.
- Close all instances of IE, Windows Explorer, any other apps you can
- Open the Control Panel (Start Menu -> Settings -> Control Panel)
- Double-click the "Internet Options" icon
- Click the "Delete Cookies..." and "Delete Files..." buttons in the middle section (Temporary Internet files)
- Close the Internet Properties window and Control Panel window
- Reboot the machine
- Open IE, go to dropzone.com
- Log in. If it pops you back to the login window, log in again. Retype your password if you have to, even if Windows pre-fills the field in for you.
- Go to the Forums.
- If the "Login" link is active, click on it and log in again, as above, you may have to do this a couple of times, retype your password, etc.
- If this still doesn't work, just keep loggin in whenever you can. Remember that the main and forum logins are actually independent, but usually are kept in sync. You may be logged into one and not the other.
If all else fails, install Mozilla and resist the Microsoft hegemony. Even better, install Linux.
Good luck!

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no good, guys!! i keep getting this
Incorrect password for that username.

You will be returned to the login screen shortly.
no matter what i do. i wont be around for awhile so hopefully some miracle will happen and it will be fixed. if not it was nice doing business with ya's.

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A couple of other things to try. First, make sure that when it asks for the password, that you click on the "Remember Login" check box. Second, on every page, check to see that the "Logout" button is there. If not, click the "Log In" link and log in again. Be aggressive about it.
Lastly, is it at all possible that you are not typing the right password? I don't know if case matters, or whatever, but check the CAPS LOCK key, that kind of basic stuff.
If it turns out that your account is flumoxed, then only Sangiro can fix it.
BTW, are you in Long Island or Florida?

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